Search Results for: global economy

Blockchain Cryptocurrency News

Top-Rated Blockchain Technology Companies With The Highest Reviews Will Be A Part Of The Global Economy : GoodFirms

Fintech News Desk
With sensible regulations and broader market acceptance in the pipeline, the blockchain industry is likely to gain more traction in the years to come. More precisely, 2023 can be a re-welcoming year for this decentralized and distributed digital ledger. The facility to secure your online transactions with utmost transparency via......
Trace Labs Will Help Make Global Economy Work Sustainably With OriginTrail Version 6
Blockchain News

Trace Labs Will Help Make Global Economy Work Sustainably With OriginTrail Version 6

Fintech News Desk
Trace Labs, a Web3 development company, is launching Version 6 of the open-source OriginTrail Decentralized Knowledge Graph (DKG) on December 15. A vastly more performant and versatile DKG introduces key advancements that will contribute to making the global economy work sustainably. OriginTrail links together two powerful technologies – blockchains, most widely known......
Logistics Execs: Global Economy will Power through Supply Chain Turmoil, Agility Survey Reveals
Economy News

Logistics Execs: Global Economy Will Power Through Supply Chain Turmoil, Agility Survey Reveals

Fintech News Desk
Executives are upbeat about 2022 despite pandemic-driven disruption, record freight rates Most logistics industry executives see moderate-to-strong economic growth and little or no chance of recession in 2022, even without immediate relief from the snarled supply chains and sky-high ocean and air freight rates triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Latest......
CEO Optimism Hits 10-Year High - Three-Quarters Expect a Stronger Global Economy in 2022: PWC Global CEO Survey
Economy Fintech News

CEO Optimism Hits 10-Year High – Three-Quarters Expect a Stronger Global Economy in 2022: PWC Global CEO Survey

Fintech News Desk
77% predict a stronger global economy in the coming year; only 15% expect weaker conditions Optimism about the global economy trends higher compared to last year in India, Japan, UK, France, Italy; somewhat lower in the US, China, Brazil, Germany Strong correlation is shown between customer trust and CEO confidence as well as whether a net-zero commitment......
Accuity Study Reveals Failed Payments Cost the Global Economy $118.5 Billion in 2020
Economy Finance Fintech News

Accuity Study Reveals Failed Payments Cost the Global Economy $118.5 Billion in 2020

Fintech News Desk
Key findings: 60% of organizations reported losing customers as a result of failed payments 60% of organizations reported losing customers as a result of failed payments Fewer than 50% are actively trying to improve their payments process despite nearly all respondents citing disappointment with failure rates Over one third of......
Next Peak Launches Geo Cyber Risk Index for Multinational Companies to Navigate Dichotomy of Geopolitical Tensions and Global Economy
News Risk Management

Next Peak Launches Geo Cyber Risk Index for Multinational Companies to Navigate Dichotomy of Geopolitical Tensions and Global Economy

Fintech News Desk
Providing Cyber Leaders with Multidimensional View of Country Specific Risks to Monitor Global Cyber Exposure Next Peak, a cybersecurity risk management consultancy, today launched the  Geo Cyber Risk Index (GCRI). The GCRI is a composite risk index that provides a multidimensional view of country-specific cyber risks, empowering multinational organizations to monitor and......
Hamdok Hails the First Visa UCB Card as A Symbol of Sudan’s Reintegration in Global Economy
Digital Payments Economy News

Hamdok Hails the First Visa UCB Card as A Symbol of Sudan’s Reintegration in Global Economy

Fintech News Desk
The card issued by United Capital Bank (UCB), a leading bank in the market was presented to Hamdok by Yousif Ahmed El-Tinay, CEO and General Manager of UCB UCB is planning to launch more Visa products for a growing customer base; Sudanese banks attracted about US 500 million dollars following the recent decision on the exchange rate. Sudanese Prime Minister, Dr. Abdalla Hamdok, hailed the first Visa card issued......
Visa Commercial Pay Brings Virtual Card Capabilities to Clients and Partners Worldwide
Business Economy Fintech News

Visa Expands Fast Track Program to Enable Next Generation of Fintechs to Rebuild the Global Economy

Fintech News Desk
The COVID-19 pandemic has created major financial challenges for businesses and consumers alike. As money management becomes increasingly digital, fintechs play a pivotal role in helping to restore and rebuild the global economy. To provide increased support for the ecosystem, Visa announced two new components of its fintech Fast Track program:......
PwC: Blockchain technologies could boost the global economy US$1.76 trillion by 2030 through raising levels of tracking, tracing and trust
Blockchain Economy Fintech News

PwC: Blockchain technologies could boost the global economy US$1.76 trillion by 2030 through raising levels of tracking, tracing and trust

Fintech News Desk
New analysis by PwC shows Blockchain technology has the potential to boost global gross domestic product (GDP) by US$1.76 trillion over the next decade. Read More: GlobalFintechSeries Interview with Veenerick Vos van Liempt, Founder, CEO at ZeroTouch Order and Pay That is the key finding of a new PwC report Time for trust: The......
Economy News

Union Of Arab Banks, Union of Arab Chambers and INSME Issue Digital Economy Guidelines with GCEL to Reenergize the Banking Industry and Jump-Start the Global Economy

Fintech News Desk
International organizations released Ten Digital Economy Guidelines in alignment with the G20 Leaders’ policy directives that aim at securing sustainable economic growth. The Guidelines were adopted by theUnion of Arab Banks (UAB), Union of Arab Chambers (UAC), International Network for SMEs (INSME), and the Global Coalition for Efficient Logistics (GCEL) to set the foundation for successfully implementing the Digital Economy. Read......