Author : Cristina Ceban

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Cristina Ceban is the founder of Women Do Crypto, an organization created to empower women by providing the essential information in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, through educational meetups, learning events, networking opportunities and more. She is certified in Blockchain and Digital Assets by New York Institute of Finance and Digital Assets Council of Financial Professionals, however most of the knowledge in this space has come from her own experience in investing and trading cryptocurrency as well as analysing crypto markets. Cristina’s mission is to help women to get the right knowledge about cryptocurrency and to build a network of successful, independent women by helping them to discover the many opportunities available in this rapidly growing industry.

Crypto and the Developing World: Empowering Women through Decentralized Finance

Cristina Ceban
Imagine being excluded from the formal financial system, unable to access traditional banking services and feeling powerless over your financial future. Unfortunately, this is the reality for many women in the developing world. The lack of access to formal financial services not only limits women’s financial opportunities but also puts......