Author : Jorge Sun - 2 Posts - 0 Comments
Jorge Sun is the CEO & Co-Founder of LendingFront, a revolutionary platform that reduces the cost of and significantly simplifies the processing, pricing, loan management and aspects related to credit monitoring tasks.

The Future of Small Business Lending Is Here- And It’s Digital!

Jorge Sun
Unfortunately, COVID-19 isn’t going away anytime soon, making returning to pre-quarantine business models highly unlikely. As businesses adapt to the “new normal” and the demand for capital continues to rise, lenders have a unique opportunity to adopt a new model now—and get ahead of the game. Here’s where the digital......

Four Small Business Lending Predictions for 2021

Jorge Sun
As we come to the close of a tumultuous year, the fintech industry is looking ahead to new policies and technologies to help power a recovery in 2021. A key part of recovery is focusing on the survival of small businesses, which are looking to lenders and community banks to......