Author : Lucky Nweke

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Lucky Nweke is a globally recognized blockchain leader and CEO of Havilah Blockchain Studios. With a wealth of experience in building innovative blockchain products, Lucky has a track record of success in the industry. He has a passion for using technology to drive positive change and is committed to helping businesses and organizations leverage the power of blockchain to drive efficiency and drive value. With a strong background in software development and a deep understanding of the technical aspects of blockchain, Lucky is well-equipped to lead Havilah Blockchain Studios to continued success in the rapidly-evolving world of blockchain and web3 technologies.

How Blockchain and WEB3 Will Change the World in 2023

Lucky Nweke
Blockchain and web3 technologies have the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries and fundamentally change the way we live and interact in the digital world. In the next few years, we can expect to see these technologies become increasingly prevalent and have a significant impact on our daily......