Author : Mubbin Rabbani

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Mubbin Rabbani, Chief Product Officer at CLARA Analytics, has more than 15 years of product management experience focusing on commercial insurance claims. Prior to joining CLARA, he served in senior product leadership positions at Liberty Mutual, Agero and Deloitte. At CLARA, he is responsible for delivering innovative solutions that address critical operational and financial levers in the claims value chain. For more information on CLARA Analytics, a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for insurance claims optimization, visit, and follow CLARA Analytics on LinkedIn, Facebook and @ClaraAnalytics.

How AI Is Enabling Advanced Fraud Detection for Insurance Claims

Mubbin Rabbani
In the ever-evolving landscape of insurance, detecting fraudulent claims is a critical yet challenging task. Traditional methods have often fallen short, leaving insurers vulnerable to sophisticated fraud schemes. However, advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques are revolutionizing this space, notably through the use of cohort analysis, to......