Author : Paroma Sen - 210 Posts - 0 Comments
Paroma Sen is Director of Strategy at iTech Series, the media company that owns and runs

7 Effects of Covid-19 on the Chinese Fintech Market

Paroma Sen
Believed to have originated in the Chinese province of Wuhan toward the end of 2019, COVID-19 was officially identified and named on February 11, 2020, by the World Health Organization. As of March 6, the coronavirus has spread to over 80 countries around the globe, including the UK and the......

Data Privacy Practices every Fintech Firm needs to Keep in Mind!

Paroma Sen
Financial technology is reimagining the roles and scope of traditional financial institutions riding on the back of technological advancements and digital innovation. Consumers increasingly expect more from their financial services providers and aspire for financial inclusion. Fintech is leveraging APIs, distributed ledger technology, artificial intelligence, and biometrics to quickly become......

AI in Banking: 7 ways AI will impact the Banking Industry

Paroma Sen
AI is shaking things up in the traditional finance and fintech industry for good. Even if you have never heard of the capabilities of AI to detect frauds and offer more enhanced customer service and overall customer experience, you will have interacted with a chatbot a.k.a. personal assistant on your......

Global Fintech Unicorns to Watch out For in 2020

Paroma Sen
A unicorn startup is one with a $1 Bn in valuation or more. As of December 2019, there were over 400 unicorns around the world, across multiple industries. More recently, the fintech industry has seen monster growth and change. Owing to the pace of development in the financial technology segment,......