Author : Raghu Rajakumar

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Raghu Rajakumar is the founder and CEO of Eden Exchange, He has lead the growth of Eden Exchanges’s network, platform technology and digital assets to receive more than 3,000 business enquiries a month from business buyers, new franchisees and sellers looking for opportunities and solutions. Eden Exchange has actively run lead generation, franchise recruitment and private seller campaigns for more than 200 franchise systems in Australia and globally. Raghu leverages off the deep insight, IP and data generated from Eden Exchange’s advanced client technology performance systems and marketing strategies to solve the many pain points franchisors experience when growing their franchise networks, as well as analyse the changing technology and demographics in the franchise recruitment, buyer and private seller markets. Raghu has 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, business ownership and business exits. Before founding Eden Exchange, Raghu held leadership roles at Computershare, LinkMarket Services, IBISWorld and Agora Publishing in finance, media and new media.

Franchising Trends in the Digital Age

Raghu Rajakumar
In the fast-paced world of franchising, the future promises a blend of digital transformation and opportunity. I recently joined a panel of industry experts, including Kylee Valentine, Senior Partner in the Accounting and Tax division at Findex and Glenn Walford, Founder of Magnetic Business Media and We sat down......