Author : Timothy Rooney

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Timothy Rooney is the President of Marygold & Co., a financial technology company. Timothy has spent 30 years building new businesses for large financial corporations, including Exchange-Traded Funds, mutual funds and retirement plan organizations, and is excited to bring his experience to the next generation of financial innovation at Marygold & Co. His educational background includes a Master’s Degree from NYU’s Stern School of Business and executive education coursework at Harvard and The University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.

How Fintech Advancements Streamline Financial Processes and Empower Money Management Across Generations

Timothy Rooney
Fintech truly caters to our evolving needs in the digital era. Whether we necessitate enhanced accessibility, efficiency, lower costs, greater security, better financial literacy and economic growth, fintech innovation helps democratize financial services, improve convenience and drive our digital transformation. Technological advances have revolutionized countless industries — and the banking......