Banking News

Bersin Company Research Reveals How Trailblazer Banks are Outperforming Their Peers in the New Digital Economy

Bersin Company Research Reveals How Trailblazer Banks are Outperforming Their Peers in the New Digital Economy

Latest Global Workforce Intelligence research by The Josh Bersin Company finds that high-performing banks have vastly different talent, skills and operating models than their counterparts

The Josh Bersin Company, a research and advisory company focused on HR and workforce strategies, has unveiled comprehensive new research revealing that today’s highest-performing retail and commercial banks have completely different talent, skills and operating models from traditional banks.

A rapidly-widening talent gap is hampering traditional banks’ ability to compete and stay relevant in a digital-first world. Unless they face this talent issue, long-standing players will never catch up with their modern counterparts, potentially losing relevance within 5-10 years. Those organizations identified as Trailblazers have a number of things to teach the rest of the market, the research reveals.

The new report, Consumer Banking Under Siege: Addressing the Digital Capability Gapdetails these discoveries and unlocks the secret to successful digital transformation in this important sector.

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Among its key findings:

  • The digital transformation of banks is not a technology problem, but a talent challenge
  • Most banks are struggling to offer the great digital experiences that clients now expect, but their skills base is failing to keep updespite attempts to hire fresh talent
  • Trailblazer banksthose moving in the right strategic direction and seeing positive business resultsare applying Talent Intelligence techniques to look laterally at opportunities to reskill employees out of roles that are becoming obsolete.
  • As a secondary strategy, these leading players are also proactively targeting suitable tech talent and designing “irresistible” workplaces to attract and keep them

The research is the latest output of a major ongoing Global Workforce Intelligence (GWI) research project, derived from deep analysis and synthesis of’s extensive talent intelligence platform and Bersin Company’s global HR database.

The GWI Project has identified three types of talent challenges. Every industry faces them, but there is usually one predominant challenge type limiting their growth, which Trailblazer banks have creatively and successfully addressed. While the healthcare industry is working to overcome a gap in capacity (insufficient talent), for instance, the more pressing issue in banking is facing a capability challenge (internal talent possessing the wrong skills).

Consumer Banking Under Siege: Addressing the Digital Capability Gap includes detailed case studies of how Trailblazer banks are innovating and succeeding, including the experiences and shared best practices of:

  • BNY Mellon
  • ING
  • Rabobank
  • HSBC
  • Bank of America
  • Scotiabank
  • DBS.

Stella Ioannidou, Senior Research Manager, Financial Services Industry Lead at The Josh Bersin Company and author of the latest GWI Project study on Consumer Banking, said:

“Most consumer banks are currently trying to hire their way out of this talent challenge, but there aren’t enough people with relevant tech skills to go round—particularly those who are also experienced in the banking industry. This year there’s a 54,000 discrepancy in the talent available in the U.S.; if it persists that will grow into a 350,000 gap in future-ready technologists with banking experience.

“Even if banks look for tech talent without direct sector experience, they face fierce talent competition from consulting firms, IT service providers, Big Tech, and so on, so they need a different approach. They need to reskill the people they already have and make it a priority to keep employees close and engaged—and they need to do that now, as it will take time to build the capabilities and skills they so badly need.”

Josh Bersin, global HR research analyst and CEO of The Josh Bersin Company, said:

“The Trailblazer banks we’ve identified have significantly more people in strategic technology roles and in transformation roles. For instance, they have 1.4 times more forward-looking tech skills than traditional banks for delivering better customer service, and for building better opportunities.

“The lessons for others are around having that vision for how they’ll transform their organizations, figuring out what critical talent challenges they’re going to face, analyzing the roles, skills and trends to understand what’s going on, and then determining the best possible solution to get them where they want to be.”

The new banking report is available from December 14, here. Its key findings will be discussed in a high-level video and will be available via an infographic.

The full, deep-dive content will be available exclusively to corporate Bersin Company corporate members, who also have an opportunity to be part of The Josh Bersin Company’s Banking CHRO Council—an ongoing opportunity to share knowledge and experiences with peers across the sector, globally.

The GWI Project model presents a holistic solution to identified talent challenges in a given market. By leveraging an innovative Talent Intelligence approach and The Josh Bersin Company’s strategic frameworks, each industry study identifies the predominant challenge that particular sector faces, highlights which strategic approaches and practices will best solve that problem in the short and long term, and provides a connection to seven principles or “secrets” employed by identified Trailblazers in that market.

Through this and upcoming research reports, Bersin Company provides the explicit direction and strategic approaches to business leaders that can help inspire and support the necessary organizational and team-level changes needed to drive future success in their industry.

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