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XinFin Network Secures Ex-SWIFT Corporate & Trade Head Andre Casterman as an Advisor

XinFin Network – the digital asset infrastructure powering working capital platforms and financial institutions – announced today that it has secured ex-SWIFT Corporate & Trade head Andre Casterman as an advisor. Acting as a collaborative technology provider, XinFin brings tokenization technology to trade financiers, focusing on alternative lenders, SME market.

“There is a growing acceptance in the role that digital assets will play in the future digital economy. The most significant move is actually coming from the regulators themselves as some want to stay ahead of the curve and have therefore adapted their regulatory frameworks to support wider adoption of digital assets,” said Atul Khekade, Co-Founder of XinFin Hybrid Blockchain Network.

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He added: “We are delighted to welcome Andre Casterman to our advisory team. Andre’s guidance will help us extend the benefits of digital assets to the alternative finance industry. Collaboration with market participants is a priority for XinFin.

XinFin is the first of its kind hybrid blockchain network. It combines the power and transparency of public networks with the speed and security of private networks. It is also cost-efficient as a permissioned consensus mechanism replaces waste-intensive mining. The network embeds a payment and settlement layer thanks to its XDC token supported by approved financial institutions. It supports secure and audited smart contracts and IOT integration.

SME financing remains a huge opportunity for alternative lenders, incumbents. The availability of advanced technology with progressive regulatory action offers new business opportunities for SME-focused lenders. The XinFin digital asset infrastructure is designed to be regulated under community-driven governance models and through regulated institutions,” added Andre Casterman, Founder of Casterman Advisory, lead of the “Alternative Finance” learning lab at the World of Open Account (WOA).

By collaborating with SME-focused lenders, XinFin expands the pools of liquidity available to those in need of working capital. XinFin Network is a member of the International Trade and Forfaiting Association (ITFA) and the World of Open Account (WOA).

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