Fintech Fintech Startups News

Fintech Europe Selects Ten Startups for its Fifth Batch

Fintech Europe Selects Ten Startups for its Fifth Batch

Fintech Europe, Plug and Play’s fintech-focused innovation platform based out of Frankfurt, Germany, announced today the ten startups selected for its fifth batch. The platform has grown its partner base to 13 Financial Institutions since its inception in May 2018. Together with Deutsche Bank, TechQuartier, BNP Paribas, Nets Group, Nexi, UniCredit, Aareal Bank, Abanca, Danske Bank, DZ Bank, Elo, UBI Banca, and Raiffeisen Bank International, the program seeks to support innovation in the world of Financial Services.

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After screening applications from all over the world and intensive weeks of reviewing preselected startups with the partners, the final group of ten companies have been accepted into Fintech Europe. The program aims at facilitating pilots, POCs, and business development opportunities for the participating startups and financial institutions.

“These companies are changing the landscape of the Financial Services Industry. They address a wide-range of use-cases, from automatic valuation of commercial Real Estate properties using artificial intelligence and Machine Learning to a MIFID-II Behavioural Finance game, and Cybersecurity,” says Fernando Zornig, Program Director of Plug and Play’s Fintech Europe program. “Due to the current situation, we will see a lot of changes in Europe over the next few months and I am confident that these solutions will help our corporate partners adapt to these changes faster.”

Throughout the duration of the program, startups will be introduced to Plug and Play’s corporate partners and will have the chance to execute pilot projects and investment opportunities with these companies. There is no cost for the startups to be in the program and they will remain part of the ecosystem even after graduation.

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