Ledgex today announced a groundbreaking new platform called Ledgex Pro, a multi-asset class portfolio accounting solution that handles accounting and investment books of records (ABOR and IBOR) in a single solution, streamlining workflows and providing data insights never before offered. The holistic, automated approach improves operating models, drives productivity, and gives foundations, endowments and family offices more time to manage portfolios and create value.

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Ledgex solves a critical problem that investment offices face daily – ensuring timely and updated portfolio data to manage their diverse portfolios in real-time. Today, collecting quality multi-asset data requires time-intensive manual intervention and workarounds, as it is often sourced from external third parties that operate on different timetables and use multiple formats. This siloed approach results in the inability to verify and audit data sources quickly, resulting in the erosion of confidence.

According to industry influencer Esther Cash, president of investment operations firm Xofficio: “Ledgex Pro provides an advanced perspective in investment portfolio software. Investment offices no longer have to spend countless hours chasing and proving the quality of their data to make real-time decisions. It’s clear Ledgex Pro was developed by professionals intimate with investment office pain points because they’ve taken a holistic approach that reconciles the interests and needs of investment, operations and accounting teams.”

Introducing Mission Control and the Data Confidence Index

Ledgex Pro is powered by a proprietary data engine, Mission Control, that records data once and ensures it is intelligently delivered to the appropriate downstream system for general ledger, private investments tracking, or performance and analytics reports. Teams can easily generate reports and analytics on-demand in a visual and engaging format.

Mission Control also includes the innovative Ledgex Data Confidence Index to give users deep insight into the quality of data they receive, along with a complete audit trail. Based on a stringent set of parameters and data points, the Ledgex Data Confidence Index uses machine learning algorithms to analyze key data indicators and assign each piece of information a level of confidence within Mission Control.

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With this patent-pending approach from Ledgex, estimated and final data can share the same report, and users can easily gauge the data’s dependability. No more shadow systems for internal estimates. No more time-consuming and inefficient reconciliations between estimates and official books of record. With Ledgex Pro, everything is in one platform.

“We made sure Ledgex Pro would not only accommodate all types of assets, but we also set our sights on going beyond what other vendors offer to provide confidence in your data,” said Ledgex CEO Ted Meissner. “Asset managers can now process and analyze preliminary and estimated information along with final accounting data. The result is greater efficiency, data control and quality in one solution, enabling better decision making and faster outputs.”

Key features and benefits of Ledgex Pro include:

  • Consolidation, scale and efficiency that provide the entire investment office with pre-reconciled, auditable data. Proprietary algorithms feed data to the correct downstream systems, minimizing touches and radically reducing workloads.
  • Greater accuracy and order to support period-based accounting side-by-side with the best available performance data. Visual signals depict the accuracy of reporting results, source of data, how information was received and who touched it.
  • Increased speed and flexibility so teams can record transactions and market values when obtained, then automatically stage them for review and approval for the entire office to use with confidence.
  • Additional integrated modules that include a General Ledger module, advanced performance and analytics for tracking ABOR and IBOR in real-time and private investments tracking capabilities.

Ledgex Director of Business Development Nicole Eberhardt, said, “Being in fintech for as long as I have, I thought I had seen it all. However, Mission Control blew me away, and I’m not alone; the customers who have seen the solution feel it’s a game-changer, too. When it comes to official ABOR and IBOR reporting, many in the industry have long hoped for a better way – now there is.”

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