Fintech Mobile Banking News

Huntington to Upgrade Entire ATM Network With Industry-Leading Software

Huntington, today announced it is upgrading the software of its entire ATM network and replacing 400 machines by year-end. The upgraded ATMs will run on state-of-the-art Hyosung MoniPlus2S software, which delivers faster transactions and improved security for customers. The newly equipped Hyosung ATMs also will allow customers to choose bills in denominations of $1, $5, $20 or $50.

Huntington has 1,330 ATMs across its seven-state Midwest footprint, as of the third quarter 2020.

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“Our customers continue to rely on the convenience of ATMs, and this comprehensive upgrade of our ATM fleet demonstrates our commitment to improving their experience,” said Andy Harmening, Huntington’s director of Consumer and Business Banking. “Our customers have told us security, flexibility and ease of use are important to them and, true to our purpose of looking out for people, we have turned their feedback into action.”

This ATM upgrade sets the stage for future enhancements that will include tap-and-go authentication through an ATM card or mobile app. And because the Hyosung software operates on ATMs from multiple manufacturers, Huntington customers will benefit from a consistent experience regardless of their location.

The Huntington upgrade will be Hyosung America’s largest U.S. installation of MoniPlus software across a multi-vendor suite of ATMs.

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The ATM upgrade is the latest of several recent products and services Huntington has delivered to help consumers and businesses improve their financial well-being, including:

  • 24-Hour Grace® for Business is the first and only service of its kind that gives additional time to cover overdrafts on checking accounts. Huntington will automatically waive the overdraft fee as long as the customer makes a deposit during the next business day to resolve the overdraft. Huntington introduced this feature for consumers in 2010.
  • No overdraft fee $50 Safety ZoneSM to further help customers manage their long-term financial health. Accounts are safe from overdraft fees as long as the account is overdrawn by $50 or less.
  • Huntington Lift Local Business, a new $25 million, small-business lending program focused on serving minority, women and veteran-owned businesses. Building on its position as the nation’s No. 1 Small Business Administration (SBA) 7(a) lender by volume, Huntington developed creative lending options and a variety of other features that will help bring relief, recovery and growth to small businesses across the Midwest.
  • Money Scout, an automatic savings tool that scans customers’ accounts and looks out for money they can set aside. Money Scout analyzes spending habits, income, and upcoming expenses to find money that customers aren’t using in their checking accounts – from $5 to $50 – then moves it to savings, automatically.

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