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JPMorgan Chase’s The Fellowship Initiative Expands to Help More than 1,000 Young Black and Latinx Men in U.S. Cities Access Economic Opportunity

Amid Economic Uncertainty, Businesses Embrace Change, Strengthen Resolve, JPMorgan Chase Survey Finds

JPMorgan Chase & Co., is marking the 10th anniversary of The Fellowship Initiative (TFI) with a renewed commitment to improving economic and social outcomes for Black and Latinx men, as well as other young men of color, from low-income communities.

“What makes The Fellowship Initiative such a special program is that it’s not just about the grades and college acceptance letters”

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During this time of crisis, when too many people of color are not treated equally and lack access to opportunity, TFI will triple the number of young people it serves to more than 1,000 over ten years and across several U.S. cities, building on the firm’s commitment to preparing youth for the future of work through its New Skills programs.

“These young men are America’s next generation of leaders. But too often, they are held back from achieving academic and professional success,” said Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase Chairman and CEO. “The COVID-19 pandemic and death of George Floyd and many others reinforced how our nation’s history with racism and inequality remains unresolved. Together, we must continue to break down the barriers created by structural racism and focus on doing what is right. Over the last decade, The Fellowship Initiative has demonstrated what is possible when these barriers are broken down. Now is a time to address gaps in academic and economic opportunity and to fight for inclusion, which is why we’re expanding TFI so that more Fellows are given the chance to reach their full potential.”

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