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Mollie Expands Focus To Help UK Merchants Selling In To The EU

Mollie Expands Focus To Help UK Merchants Selling In To The EU

Mollie, one of the fastest-growing payment service providers in Europe, has expanded to support UK merchants looking to grow into Europe.

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The expansion means Mollie has enhanced its services available to UK companies who can incorporate a variety of EU payment methods into their e-commerce websites. Those services give UK merchants the ability to tap into new markets and EU customers the choice to use their preferred payment methods, even when shopping with a UK retailer.

Through Mollie’s partnerships with Klarna, Magento and EU gateways, UK merchants can trade competitively in the eurozone. These strategic partnerships and high quality integrations with established payments companies mean that brands like Gymshark and Facetheory have quickly been able to drive cross-border sales.

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Mollie’s UK operations will be overseen by newly appointed Josh Guthrie, the company’s Head of UK. Josh has been assigned to run the company’s local office and lead the company’s effort to help UK – and particularly SME – businesses navigate international expansion post-Brexit.

“Overnight, the Brexit deal has made doing business with the EU so difficult for UK companies. Challenges include tariffs and unexpected delivery fees that make goods more expensive, and country of origin rules that have impacted logistics and shipping. Establishing a presence quickly and efficiently is vital for reaching a wider addressable market, at a time when UK retail needs it most,” said Josh Guthrie. “With our long-standing heritage in Europe and our focus on creating localised payment experiences, Mollie is uniquely placed to help customers navigate this shift and continue to grow internationally.”

The company’s entry into the UK market follows Mollie’s 90 million Euro investment from TCV, announced in September 2020, which it said would be used to accelerate international expansion.

To further support its UK customers, Mollie has also launched a weekly newsletter for UK merchants selling cross-border which assembles key developments, best practice, case studies and useful resources on Brexit and international expansion.

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