Fintech Mobile Banking News

New Digital Banking Hub Boosts Firms’ Access to Competitive Intel

Informa Expands Digital Tracking Features for Financial Services Firms, Allowing Faster, More Detailed Insights Into Peer Capabilities

Informa Financial Intelligence has launched its ‘Digital Banking Hub’ to arm financial services firms with a faster, more holistic view of the digital capabilities of bank, credit union and fintech competitors around the world.

The on-demand access platform will house the firm’s popular Digital Trackers, — with expanded features and metrics.

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With the Hub, firms will be able to:

  • More easily evaluate digital developments and decide how to evolve.
  • Gain visibility into emerging digital trends and competitors’ capabilities.
  • Equip digital teams with access to a library of objective, competitive data and images.

The Hub is a centralized platform of digital banking journeys, allowing analysts and others to quickly see the digital banking features of competitors and how they are implemented, using screenshots of actual offerings. Users can identify the most effective strategies by accessing hundreds of journeys to learn how competitors onboard clients, launch payment functions, or use mobile apps to integrate bank accounts.

With the Hub’s interactive feature and functionality matrix, firms can identify how competitors are investing in digital experiences through expanded filters and time-stamped comparative screenshots that reveal how new capabilities differ from previous versions. Users can drill-down into “pay to mobile” or “split the bill” journeys, for instance, and then compare the customer experience between their chosen competitors.

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The new platform allows users to extract granular details by channel, product, country, brand and change over time, using over 1,000 metrics. The upgraded format also means they can save, share and export custom searches to improve team collaboration and adopt best practices from competitor journeys into their development.

Craig Woodward, President of Informa Financial Intelligence, said: “As countries across the globe work to ensure the health and safety of their communities and repair the economy, we hope to continue offering tools and features designed to strengthen the competitive edge of financial services firms.”

“We are arming firms with a much clearer view of their competitors’ digital capabilities and a much more immediate understanding of how they should direct their own progress. The Hub is a source of knowledge and inspiration intended to accelerate their distinct digital strategies.”

Chad WatkinsVP of Customer Experience Research for Informa Financial Intelligence, said: “The Hub lets those firms instantly access more granular detail — all on a single 24/7 platform. They can also easily share that data to free their digital teams to focus less on research and more on development.”

Informa Financial Intelligence researches digital offerings from providers around the world, documenting and analyzing real banking experiences to produce its Digital Trackers, helping customers improve onboarding conversion, encourage digital enrollment, increase digital engagement, and identify cross-sell opportunities.

It is currently integrating checking account, open banking, credit card, unsecured lending, small business checking, and mortgage Digital Trackers into the Hub and expects to launch additional Trackers later this year.

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