Blockchain Cryptocurrency Fintech News

OKEx Wraps Up Its Beacon Program Furthering Education in the Blockchain Space

OKEx Wraps Up Its Beacon Program Furthering Education in the Blockchain Space

OKEx, a world-leading cryptocurrency spot and derivatives exchange, has finished its Beacon Program – European Edition, which provided three masterclasses by prominent players in the cryptocurrency space and individual mentoring from top OKEx executives, including CEO Jay Hao and Director of Financial Markets Lennix Lai.

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Made up of a total of six participants with varying degrees of experience in cryptocurrency, the Beacon Program aimed to further education in the blockchain space and provide European participants – particularly hard-hit by the coronavirus pandemic – with the opportunity to explore crypto and blockchain in greater depth and even consider a new career path.

The first class of the series was given by Crypto 101’s Matthew Aaron and Dani Ansalem, which offered a basic introduction to cryptocurrency, what to look at when investing in it, how to buy and store it, and other important factors to keep in mind. The second class by CNBC Crypto Trader’s Lindsay Joo covered the ICO mania, with a particular focus on South Korea and on encouraging participants to examine the real utility of blockchain in a project at the time of investing.

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The final masterclass was given by OKEx’s very own Lennix Lai and took participants a little deeper into cryptocurrency, exploring the issue of tokenomics and why tokens make a far better form of equity than shares.

The feedback from participants was extremely encouraging, with one student, Phillip Taffley, commenting, “I found the Beacon Program very beneficial, and I am very grateful for being given the opportunity to be part of it.” Beyond the masterclasses and daily news briefings, the program also provided mentorship, which Taffley received from Lennix. Taffley said“As a newbie to the industry this aspect of the course was of particular interest. It helped me gain a good foundation upon which I built a wider understanding by conducting my own research.”

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