Banking Fintech News Risk Management

Taiwan’s First Digital Bank Implements Fully-Integrated Kamakura Risk Management Solution

AmBank Group implements Kamakura Risk Manager for Basel 3 LCR and NSFR

After doing a comprehensive vendor evaluation, Next Commercial Bank (NCB), Taiwan’s first digital bank, has implemented Kamakura Corporation’s suite of solutions to manage risk. The bank believes that a modular and integrated solution offers distinct advantages over disparate systems by saving costs and increasing transparency and efficiency. NCB is one of the first institutions in the digital banking space to augment its digital offerings with a robust and advanced technology enterprise risk management infrastructure platform.

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Mr. Kung-Ho Chang (Chief Risk Management Officer, NCB) said, “After extensive evaluation and due diligence, NCB felt that Kamakura’s integrated ERM system was best suited to provide the holistic and dynamic perspective the bank needs to address of its regulations and requirements. The selection of Kamakura’s suite of Credit Risk, Market Risk, FTP, ALM, IRRBB, Basel III LCR and NSFR solutions was based on the company’s well-integrated and advanced solution, which encompasses balance sheet management as well as regulatory requirements.”

Dr Matt Yu, Kamakura’s Managing Consultant of Professional Services for Asia-Pacific, said, “One key factor for choosing Kamakura as an integrated risk management system was that unlike other risk management solutions, it allows banks to use the same variables for stress testing scenarios and new business assumptions, generating holistic risk metrics. In addition, by subscribing to Kamakura Risk Information Service (KRIS), NCB has access to default probabilities for more than 40,500 corporate institutions in 76 countries and 180 sovereigns—information the company updates daily.”

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Frances Cheng, Vice President and Director of Professional Services for Asia Pacific said, “The bank was also impressed by Kamakura’s professional approach and the deep expertise of its international, regional, and local consulting staff. And Kamakura’s platform, by performing one-time data extraction and reconciliation of the bank’s exposure before generating the risk metrics, provides the bank a coherent approach to strategic analysis and reporting. The platform is based on common data architectures and is supported by strong governance of data hierarchy, traceability and lifecycle, yielding optimal business value for a digital bank.”

Kamakura’s unique offering of a complete, advanced ERM solution is essential for banks to actively manage cash flow and accurately assess the margins of internal business units. It is user-friendly and flexible in its configuration, allowing users to configure simulations intuitively on a day-to-day basis.

Dr. Clement Ooi, Kamakura’s President, Asia-Pacific Operations said, “We are happy that NCB is now able to manage its risk by running simulations in multiple scenarios, integrated with a dynamic view of the rest of its balance sheet profile. The bank will be able to incorporate risk metrics into both its short-term and long-term planning strategies. Kamakura’s KRIS credit information will help NCB to manage risks inherent in credit portfolios and to optimize credit investment decisions, complementing Kamakura’s integrated balance sheet solution.”

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