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FreedomPay Integrates With Google Pay to Support Next Level Ecommerce Payments
Fintech Mobile Banking News

FreedomPay Integrates With Google Pay to Support Next Level Ecommerce Payments

Fintech News Desk
New integration enables FreedomPay to offer Google Pay across all its eCommerce solutions, providing seamless payments in a merchant’s app, website, and in-store FreedomPay, a leading consumer-centric commerce platform has integrated support for Google Pay, the fast, simple and secure way to pay on sites, and in apps, using the......
ACI Worldwide’s Credit and Debit Card Management Capabilities Provide Payment Flexibility During COVID-19 Crisis
Banking Fintech News

ACI Worldwide’s Official Payments Improves Online Tax Payment Process with Internal Revenue Service

Fintech News Desk
Taxpayers now able to make payments to the IRS in fewer steps through ACI’s Official Payments ACI Worldwide, a leading global provider of real-time electronic payment and banking solutions, announced that in working with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) again this year, it has further improved the online payment process for......
Utopia p2p Releases CRP on Crypto Exchanges
Banking Cryptocurrency

Utopia Announces the Launch of a Revolutionary Decentralized P2P Ecosystem with Built-in Cryptocurrency Crypton

Fintech News Desk
Utopia Announces the Launch of Its Revolutionary Decentralized Platform for Secure and Encrypted Communication, Anonymous Transactions in Built-In Crypton Cryptocurrency, Decentralized File Transfer and Storage, Private Browsing, Hosting of Websites and Other Options Utopia is freedom, anonymity, and censorship-free driven product designed for secure communication, anonymous payments and a truly......