Tag : blockchain games

Flash News OKX Wallet Now Integrated with Oxalus
Cryptocurrency News

OKX Wallet Now Integrated with Oxalus

OKX Wallet has integrated with Oxalus, an NFT social commerce platform that allows users to connect, interact with each other online, and buy NFT collections without leaving the app, or website. This advanced social platform focused on NFT opens doors for users to communicate with other traders and collectors, stay updated on......
OKX Wallet Announces Partnership with Omega Network and cBridge
Cryptocurrency News

OKX Wallet Announces Partnership with Omega Network and cBridge

OKX, the second-largest crypto platform by trading volume and a leading Web3 technology company, has issued updates for the day of June 17, 2023. OKX Wallet Announces Partnership with Omega Network, a Decentralized Social Platform and Crypto Mining App OKX Wallet is proud to announce that it has partnered with Omega Network,......
Planet IX Expands Virtual Economy With Premium Superfluid-Powered Tokens in Tile Expansion
Cryptocurrency News

Planet IX Expands Virtual Economy With Premium Superfluid-Powered Tokens in Tile Expansion

Fintech News Desk
New Tokens Powered by Superfluid Protocol Enable Hyperefficient Crypto Microtransfers for Players Planet IX, a leading NFT-based space strategy game, is pleased to announce the launch of its Tile Expansion update, which features the introduction of premium currencies powered by Superfluid Protocol alongside an assortment of new game features. Tile......
Dominate the NFT market with MEGACY multi-chain, all-in-one platform.
Blockchain News

Dominate the NFT market with MEGACY Multi-Chain, all-in-one Platform.

Fintech News Desk
NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) is rapidly expanding. In 2021, the market concluded approximately USD 25 billion in total sales. By 2025, Blockchain games are predicted to be worth USD 50 billion. Today, as the NFT space continues to grow—it’s already been classified into six categories, mainly Art, Collect, Gamefi, Metaverse /......
Daily Fintech Series Roundup: Top Fintech News, Analytics and Insights 1st March 2023
Fintech News

Daily Fintech Series Roundup: Top Fintech News, Analytics and Insights

Fintech News Desk
FTS Daily Roundup starts today! We are covering the top updates from around the world. The updates will feature state-of-the-art capabilities in Fintech insights, Trending fintech news, Crypto, Fintech SaaS, Fintech Cloud, Analytics and AI ML. We will cover the role of FTS Daily Roundup and its application in various industries and......
BITAMB Is All Set to Provide Gamers the Opportunity to Play-To-Earn Using Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency News

BITAMB Is All Set to Provide Gamers the Opportunity to Play-To-Earn Using Cryptocurrency

Fintech News Desk
BITAMB is a platform that allows users to play and earn rewards on a daily basis. Gamers can use cryptocurrencies to earn awards, digital assets, and BITAMB crypto by participating in any of their favorite games. BITAMB is changing the narratives of metaverse platform, as gaming is viewed as a......
Adrian Cheng Enters the Metaverse, Expanding His Commitment to Disruptive Technology
Blockchain Cryptocurrency News

Exclusive, Impactful, and Mesmerizing Avatars of The Presidents NFTs are Live

Fintech News Desk
An artful collection of 20,000 unique NFTs of the Presidents Presidents-NFT.com, a platform of the Presidents NFT collection, is immensely glad to announce that the minting phase of the project is live. The collection includes well-known Presidents from the rough times of the Cold War to the reputable cryptocurrency and......