Tag : Gen Xers

Fintech News

Millennials and Gen Xers Shaping the Future of Financial Planning by Establishing New Norms with Financial Professionals

Fintech News Desk
According to a new study from AIG Life & Retirement and the MIT AgeLab, financial clients are expressing a willingness and desire to step beyond traditional conversational boundaries with their financial professionals. This is particularly apparent with younger clients between the ages of 30 and 45 who indicate the most......
Nearly One of Three Consumers is Past Due on at Least One Bill—Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, New ACI Worldwide Research Reveals
Banking Fintech News

Nearly One of Three Consumers is Past Due on at Least One Bill—Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, New ACI Worldwide Research Reveals

Fintech News Desk
Nearly one of three consumers (27%) is past due on at least one bill and nearly 50 percent will need up to a year to catch up on bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study from YouGov and ACI Worldwide , a leading global provider of real-time electronic......