Tag : Sybrin

Sybrin and Regula to Provide a Secure Onboarding Solution for US Banks and Financial Services
Banking Fintech News

Sybrin and Regula to Provide a Secure Onboarding Solution for US Banks and Financial Services

Business Wire
The joint solution offered by Sybrin and Regula enables banks and other financial institutions to seamlessly and securely onboard and verify their customers. This is achieved via combining Regula Document Reader SDK and Regula Face SDK with Sybrin’s KYC (Know Your Customer) onboarding solution and orchestration engine. As a result, financial service businesses can establish a......
1K1V and Crossfin Complete Sybrin Acquisition
Fintech News

1K1V and Crossfin Complete Sybrin Acquisition

Fintech News Desk
One Thousand & One Voices (1K1V), in partnership with diversified FinTech investment holding company Crossfin Technology Holdings (Crossfin) and investor Isaac Mophatlane, announce the completion of the Sybrin Group of Companies (Sybrin) transaction. All conditions precedent and approvals for the transaction were fulfilled on 31 March 2022. “Now that we have officially partnered with......