Tag : Tingo Group

Daily Fintech Series Roundup: Top Fintech News, Analytics and Insights 1st March 2023
Fintech News

Daily Fintech Series Roundup: Top Fintech News, Analytics and Insights

Fintech Staff Writer
FTS Daily Roundup starts today! We are covering the top updates from around the world. The updates will feature state-of-the-art capabilities in Fintech insights, Trending fintech news, Crypto, Fintech SaaS, Fintech Cloud, Analytics and AI ML. We will cover the role of FTS Daily Roundup and its application in various industries and......
Tingo Group Launches Next Generation of TingoPay Super App
Fintech News

Tingo Group Launches Next Generation of TingoPay Super App

Tingo Group, a profitable and fast growing fintech, agri-fintech and food company, announced the launch of the next-generation version of its super app, TingoPay. Latest Fintech Interview : Global Fintech Interview with Randall Tidwell, CFO at Serviceaide Following the completion of a successful beta test on Android, the TingoPay super......