Tag : Xoxno

Daily Fintech Series Roundup: Top Fintech News, Analytics and Insights 1st March 2023
Fintech News

Daily Fintech Series Roundup: Top Fintech News, Analytics and Insights

Fintech Staff Writer
FTS Daily Roundup starts today! We are covering the top updates from around the world. The updates will feature state-of-the-art capabilities in Fintech insights, Trending fintech news, Crypto, Fintech SaaS, Fintech Cloud, Analytics and AI ML. We will cover the role of FTS Daily Roundup and its application in various industries and......
Big Data Fintech News

XOXONO The Leading NFT Marketplace On Multiversx Announces Support For Fiat Payments

Fintech News Desk
XOXNO has announced the integration of fiat payments to its all-in-one NFT marketplace, with support for EUR and the Romanian RON. The MultiversX-based NFT marketplace was launched in early 2022 and is currently registering a monthly trading volume in excess of $1 Million USD. XOXNO launches fiat payments With a thriving NFT......