Author : JB Orecchia

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JB Orecchia, President and CEO of SavvyMoney. JB Orecchia is the President and CEO of SavvyMoney. Since 2011, JB and his team have built SavvyMoney into an industry-leading credit and lending tool that today integrates with 40 digital banking platforms and supports over 1,000 financial institutions with their goal of providing financial education and personalized lending. JB has more than 34 years of experience in consumer finance, fintech and interactive media.

Three Keys to Success for Embedded Fintechs in 2024

JB Orecchia
In the ultra-competitive financial sector, Financial Institutions (FIs) understand they need to innovate to stay relevant.  Given competing priorities, they often fall behind or struggle to keep up with the latest technology when trying to tackle innovation on their own. FIs that choose to partner with fintechs that match their......

The Rise of Partnerships Between Fintechs, Banks and Credit Unions

JB Orecchia
In recent years, the traditional banking sector has faced significant competition from digital alternatives such as banking as a service (BaaS) and embedded finance. According to a survey conducted by Economist Impact, over half of C-suite banking executives are aware and wary of this increased competition. However, in a new......