Category : Guest Posts

Cryptocurrency Fintech Guest Posts

The Future Face of Cloud Native Computing

Dmitry Netis
As the business world dashes toward a new kind of computing architecture, what will a serverless future look like? What tools will be most valuable, and who stands to gain the most in the shift? A Container for the Future In the evolution of computing, we are on the precipice......
Fintech Guest Posts Mobile Banking Risk Management

How to Prepare Your Financial Institution for the Future: Updated Planning For Technology, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Jeremy Baumruk
Were financial institutions ready for a pandemic? As a society, we can all collectively say no because no one was really “ready” for a pandemic, but the real answer is more complex than you might think. Financial institutions’ business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) plans actually did include pandemic planning......
Fintech Fintech Funding Guest Posts InsurTech Investment Services

The FinTech Sector Will Lead M&A Activity Out of the Doldrums, and This Is Why …   

Nicky Cotter
Seven months into a global pandemic, the harsh lessons learned are creating a sweet spot for FinTech companies and start-ups and an expected uptick in deals involving US tech giants. And while lagging 2019 levels, we’ve seen US-based deal activity rise 3% in 2020. On the M&A side we saw big acquisitions with FIS acquiring Worldpay for $35Bn and Fiserv acquiring First......
Fintech Fintech Funding Guest Posts Investment Services

Why Should You Choose Alternative Investments for Your Portfolio?

Asheesh Chanda
Alternative investments are financial assets that are different from conventional investment vehicles like cash, bonds and stocks. These include private equity, hedge funds, managed futures and infrastructure investments among many others. Our advisors are often asked if alternatives are a good choice, and why should one invest in these asset......
Cryptocurrency Fintech Guest Posts

Regulating Cryptocurrency – Global Lessons From South Africa

Angus Brown
“Cryptocurrency is the perfect way to launder money”. This has been the view of many hackers, fraudsters and even regulators. The creation of a distributed network of servers allowing anonymous accounts and the instant transfer of value anywhere in the world was initially seen as an opportunity to launder illicit......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts Investment Services Trading

Why Banks Are Only as Good as the Data That Underpins Their Trading

Tom Stock
Imagine this scenario, the head of equities trading for one of the world’s largest investment banks is trying to navigate clients through the worst trading day since the 2008 financial crisis. $125bn is wiped off the value of major US firms, while the Dow tumbles more than 2,000 points after......
Business Economy Fintech Guest Posts

COVID-19 and Automation are Changing Finance for Good

Zuora AndAvalara
It’s been more than three months since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Since then, communities have joined together to “flatten the curve” by closing buildings, limiting social interaction, and increasing testing. Similarly, the business landscape has been hit by massive changes. Organizations across all industries –......
Fintech Guest Posts Mobile Banking

Four Benefits of Buy Now Pay Later for Ecommerce Retailers

Brad Paterson
The events of 2020 have upended nearly every industry, particularly retail. Widespread shutdowns shuttered brick and mortar stores for months at a time, while online shopping grew by more than 30% from March to April, alone(eCommerce retailers). Read More: GlobalFintechSeries Interview with Chuck Klein, Chief Executive Officer & Founder at IMM......
Fintech Guest Posts Robotic Process Automation

How the Pandemic is Reshaping Bookkeeping and Accounting

Lil Roberts
The COVID-19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on all aspects of society, reshaping how we live, work and play. In the business world, the pandemic is driving seismic shifts in the operational approach and strategies of many industries. The bookkeeping and accounting sector is experiencing these shifts in the form of......
Fintech Guest Posts

The Importance of a Digital Financial Ecosystem in 2020

Omar Arab
When previously it was frowned upon to be addicted to your smartphone and encouraged to have a sense of balance with technology, now having full access to the world in the palm of your hand is a must, Digital Financial given ongoing stay-at-home orders that limit human contact and increase......