Digital Asset Management News

Bitcoin Price Needs to ‘Be Consistently Over $100,000’ Before Pension Schemes Come Under Pressure to Invest

Bitcoin Price Needs to ‘Be Consistently Over $100,000’ Before Pension Schemes Come Under Pressure to Invest
Level of Advice Pension Professionals Want on Digital and Crypto Assets Is Set to Increase

Just over four out of ten (42%) professional investors believe the price of Bitcoin needs to consistently be above $100,000 before pension schemes will come under pressure from the investors they represent to start investing in crypto and digital assets.

This is according to new research from London-based Nickel Digital Asset Management (Nickel), Europe’s largest regulated and award-winning digital assets hedge fund manager. It interviewed 200 professional investors from across seven countries who collectively manage around $329 billion in assets and found 13% say Bitcoin needs to consistently reach $50,000 for pension funds to face pressure, and 28% believe the figure is above $75,000. Just 3% believe pension scheme allocation to digital assets is not dependent on what price Bitcoin reaches.

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However, 15% believe Bitcoin needs to consistently reach $200,000 for pension funds to face pressure to invest.

According to Nickel’s research, over the next two years 71% of professional investors believe the level of advice and education pension trustees and other professionals running pension schemes will want around crypto and digital assets will increase – 26% expect demand for this to rise dramatically. Only 9% anticipate the level of demand for advice for pension scheme professionals around crypto and digital assets to fall, and 20% anticipate no change.

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In terms of the level of advice around crypto and digital assets offered by pension investment consultants, 25% expect a dramatic increase here over the next two years, and a further 41% anticipate a slight rise.

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