2020 is reaching its end, with the COVID19 and the financial ups and downs, it has been a wild year in terms of the financial markets activity. 500Investments, the global brokerage brand, decided to provide a special announcement towards the year’s end which will include a brief review of the top 4 financial instruments based on the brand’s data from the past 10 months.

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Although the number of best-performing assets is much bigger, these assets are the extremely popular ones, as based on the 500Investments database, and covered also in the media throughout the year.
Gold, S&P500, and Bitcoin – 2020 top performers?

As with any of the past economic downturns, gold had been again one of the most-wanted assets, posting impressive gains and managing to break above the previous 2011 all-time highs. The combination of aggressive monetary policy and increased fiscal support had been a major headwind for fiat currencies, especially the US dollar, but gold had been the main beneficiary.
Traders working with 500Investments had been able to trade gold with up to 1:100 leverage and take advantage of the move that drove the assets from $1,500 to $2,000 in less than 6 months. With bond yields at record-low levels, market participants are expected to treat gold as a safety net each time uncertainty will influence the financial industry.

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At first, hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic and then supported by government stimulus, global stock markets had been on a rollercoaster in 2020, but the market that had performed the best is in the United States. The S&P 500 is still the most liquid and the most popular stock market index in the world, which is why investors had been driving capital in large-cap companies.
After a 35% drop from the highs, the S&P 500 stagged a massive rally since mid-March, managing to reach $3,500 by the end of August. Although the US is still the country with the most COVID-19 cases, financial markets had not been influenced by the pandemic, considering the death rate had been reduced substantially.

Bitcoin had a lot of critics saying it could crumble when the first economic crisis will occur, but based on the 2020 performance, the exact opposite had happened. Following the March volatility, when it reached the $4,000 level, Bitcoin stagged an impressive 200% rally, managing to reach $12,000 by August. It is still the largest cryptocurrency in the world, with $200 billion in market cap, and also, an investment tool that increases in popularity among investors.

Gold, S&P500, and Bitcoin had been some of the best-performing financial assets in 2020 and all of them are part of the 500Investments asset list. Considering volatility is expected to remain elevated in the months ahead, these instruments will continue to be on top of the list for many traders and investors.

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