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Abrigo’s 2021 ThinkBIG Conference Goes Virtual

Abrigo's 2021 ThinkBIG Conference Goes Virtual

Abrigo, the leading technology provider of compliance, credit risk, and lending solutions for community financial institutions, announced today that its annual ThinkBIG conference set for May 25-27 will now be held virtually. While Abrigo had planned to offer both in-person and virtual options to registrants, the company has decided to transition to a fully virtual event due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.  

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The industry-leading conference will bring together thought leaders, financial institution peers, auditors, CPAs, law enforcement, and regulators for three days of compelling content and networking. Even in its virtual format, the 2021 ThinkBIG conference promises to be the biggest yet by uniting its “Fighting Financial Crime” and “Manage Risk. Drive Growth.” conferences, which were previously held in the spring and fall, respectively. Attendees will have the opportunity to select their preferred conference track: FinCrime for BSA/AML and fraud detection topics; Credit + Lending for the latest information on managing credit risk and increasing lending efficiency; Portfolio Risk + CECL for a focus on stress testing and CECL; or Asset/Liability Management for a focus on balance sheet management and loan/deposit pricing, and more.

Abrigo’s 2021 ThinkBIG conference will be a virtual event due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic

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Networking has always been central to ThinkBIG conferences over the past two decades, and this year’s attendees can expect the same opportunities in the virtual format. Between interactive Q&A sessions, a virtual happy hour, and breakout sessions, attendees will be able to connect with peers, experts, and other industry leaders to discuss current challenges and learn from others’ successes.

“Community banks and credit unions have faced so many challenges this past year amid the pandemic, but they have continuously innovated and pivoted to serve their customers and members,” said Wayne Roberts, CEO at Abrigo. “Our top priority for ThinkBIG has always been to create a space where community financial institutions can get the most current resources, learn best practices, and discover new ideas from experts and peers in the industry. That commitment holds true, even in these socially-distant times.”

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