Business Fintech News

Study Shows Owning AMC Stock Can Drive 5 More Trips to the Movies a Year


Today Bumped—the fintech company on a mission to create an ownership economy through fractional stock rewards—released data from their two-year pilot study that shows becoming an owner in AMC Entertainment led customers to see an average of five-to-six more movies over the course of a year.

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Bumped rewarded AMC Entertainment customers in fractional shares of AMC stock when they spent. After they became owners of the company, those customers visited .47 more times a month and spent 52% more on average.

What’s more, once customers became owners in the entertainment company, they increased their average transaction amount by 25% — possibly spending additional money on concessions they had previously skipped.

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More than 81% of customers rewarded in stock exhibited a behavior change, indicating that ownership of a brand may be a compelling reward to drive loyalty and engagement.

“Making a customer an owner by rewarding them in fractional shares of your company’s stock brings them closer to your business in a number of ways,” says David Nelsen, CEO and Founder of Bumped. “For an industry like entertainment, that translates into more than just an increase in visits — it can mean a lift in spend every time they walk through the door with concessions, gift cards, and more.”

The Bumped pilot ran for two years and rewarded over 13,000 US consumers in fractional stock rewards when they spent at more than 80 brands. Users chose their favorite brand in each category to receive stock rewards from.

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