Search Results for: financial supply chain management

Cross-Border Expansion Top Priority For Businesses to Offset Current Economic Headwinds, Shows Rapyd Report
B2B Business Digital Payments News

Cross-Border Expansion Top Priority For Businesses to Offset Current Economic Headwinds, Shows Rapyd Report

Business Wire
50% of surveyed B2B businesses in the United States report rising inflation as their deepest concern threatening their organizations today. 43% of the same organizations believe business expansion is essential to offset the challenges of inflation, high interest rates and market volatility 41% of business-to-business organisations believe that international business......
Nitra Helps Medical Companies Weather Bank Crisis
Banking Investment Services News

Nitra Helps Medical Companies Weather Bank Crisis

PR Newswire
Nearly 100 companies respond to offer of short-term funding solutions As federal regulators debated how to manage several high-profile bank failures in the last week, almost 100 companies, including many in healthcare and health technology that were desperate to access deposited funds, responded to Nitra’s offer to provide short-term funding......
Impact Of Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence Featured Fintech Primers Machine Learning Technology

Impact Of Machine Learning

Pooja Choudhary
Massive amounts of vital data are produced when legacy systems are digitally transformed. These data are subjected to machine learning analysis to find hidden trends and patterns. So that you don’t miss out on cutting-edge innovations that advance data processing, we provide you with data-driven innovation insights based on the......
B2B Blockchain Digital Asset Management Finance News

Hashkey Group And Slowmist Collaborate To Develop Innovative And Safe Digital Asset Services

Fintech Staff Writer
In order to work together on cutting-edge security technology research, digital asset ecosystem security, anti-money laundering for digital assets, and other technology disciplines, HashKey Group and SlowMist are happy to announce their strategic cooperation. The partnership’s objective is to investigate and create thorough security standards and solutions that will protect......
Accelerating US Green Bank Funding
Banking Featured Fintech Technology

Accelerating US Green Bank Funding

Pooja Choudhary
 What is Green Bank Model? Green banking is a class of banking that works on thinking about the social and biological elements with a means to safeguard the climate and save average assets. It is likewise called moral banking or maintainable banking. Green Banks are mission-driven establishments that utilize creative......
Top AI Startups Impacting 10 Industries
Analytics Artificial Intelligence Featured Fintech Primers

Top AI Startups Impacting 10 Industries

Pooja Choudhary
Through the application of pattern recognition, artificial intelligence (AI) enhances industrial operations and automates back-office duties. Businesses can do this to save time and use resources more effectively. For this reason, businesses incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-based data processing techniques like machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) into......
Commerce Featured Finance Fintech Primers Technology

The CFO Journey From Support To Strategy With Oracle Cloud And IBM Cloud

Pooja Choudhary
In recent years, the amount of time the CFO spends outside of the fundamental functions of finance and accounting has increased dramatically. The secret is having the appropriate technology. Without the data to support you, it is impossible to make quick judgments on where and how to devote resources in......
Artificial Intelligence Banking Finance Markets News

To Enable Banks To Create And Manage Technological Solutions That Are Ready For The Future And Support Their Market Leadership, Intellect Introduces, The Largest Open Finance Platform In The World.

Fintech Staff Writer
A breakthrough cloud-native, future-ready open banking platform with embedded artificial intelligence called was introduced by Intellect Design Arena, a multi-product FinTech firm, and is powered by AWS. Financial institutions can construct the banks and FIs of the future thanks to’s 285 pre-built microservices, 1,214 APIs, and 200 events.......
In 2023, The Digital Economy Mantra Has Done A Complete Reversal
Digital Economy Featured Fintech Primers

In 2023, The Digital Economy Mantra Has Done A Complete Reversal

Pooja Choudhary
I’m going to discuss seven trends this year that give innovators and company leaders in the payments industry a strategic framework for success. 1. Real-world issues drive payment innovation to return to the fundamentals. In 2022, 348 web3 startups received funding totaling $7.5 billion, an increase of $4.5 billion from......