Tag : API support

WatchData Adds API Support for the Polygon Blockchain and Opens It Up to Developers
Blockchain News

WatchData Adds API Support for the Polygon Blockchain and Opens It Up to Developers

Fintech News Desk
TheWatch, a technology company making blockchain seamlessly accessible to developers, has announced the addition of Polygon to its flagship product WatchData. WatchData now lets developers access the Polygon blockchain through its Powered API, extract information and easily build apps on top of it. Latest Fintech News: Ushur Launches Insurance Automation Portfolio......
WatchData Enables Infrastructure API Support for Bitcoin and BSC Blockchains
Blockchain News

WatchData Enables Infrastructure API Support for Bitcoin and BSC Blockchains

Fintech News Desk
TheWatch, a technology company making blockchain seamlessly accessible to developers, has announced it added BSC and BTC blockchains to its flagship product WatchData. They also introduced Filters to allow users to set up custom notifications and track the transaction they need and Price API to get accurate token prices from......
DXtrade Platform Adds FXStreet Economic Calendar for Brokers
Business Fintech News Risk Management Trading

Devexperts to Develop Complete Range of Trading Software for TEB Yatırım

Fintech News Desk
Devexperts, a financial software development company has contracted with one of the leading Turkish Investment companies, TEB Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş.(TEB Investment), to develop and deliver 4 proprietary products to modernise their trading software infrastructure. Development is already underway and consists of four parts: a new Mobile Application, an Order......