Tag : Brokerage Platform

BEQUANT Launches New Widgets to Provide Traders With Real-Time Data Provided by Intotheblock
Finance News

BEQUANT Launches New Widgets to Provide Traders With Real-Time Data Provided by Intotheblock

Fintech News Desk
BEQUANT, the digital asset prime brokerage and exchange, is pleased to announce new metric widgets on the BEQUANT Prime Brokerage platform to help traders make more informed trading decisions with real-time data provided by IntoTheBlock. Latest Fintech News: Intelligent Banking Solutions. Inc., the Leading Collection and Recovery Software for Financial Institutions,......
UnicoinStep Releases Its New Brokerage Platform
Digital Digital Asset Management Fintech News

UnicoinStep Releases Its New Brokerage Platform

Fintech News Desk
As one can witness, the economic world is nowadays flooded with more and more digital tokens. This naturally causes online transactions to be more complex, therefore requiring better infrastructure in order to withstand the semi-explored variables and possibilities. Having said that, UnicoinStep, the new brokerage platform, has recently been launched,......
CryptWorld Launches Its New Brokerage Platform and Website
Cryptocurrency News

CryptWorld Launches Its New Brokerage Platform and Website

Fintech News Desk
In an era of constant technological changes, improvement is key to success for businesses. Especially with regards to the market, brokers need to make sure they are up to speed with technological developments, in order to offer nothing but the best services to their clients. Recently, CryptWorld released its new......