Tag : Fintech blog

Taking a Look Into Your Smartphone's Secret Superpower
Artificial Intelligence Digital Guest Posts

Taking a Look Into Your Smartphone’s Secret Superpower

Brian Sathianathan
In our rapidly advancing world of technology, we often encounter the term “AI” – the remarkable technology that empowers unrealistic and yet futuristic gadgets and tools. Yet, there’s an aspect of AI that may surprise you; it’s seamlessly integrated into your everyday life, residing right within your smartphone. That’s right,......
A Purpose-Driven Banking For The Post Pandemic World
Banking Guest Posts

A Purpose-Driven Banking For The Post Pandemic World

Sanat Rao
The COVID-19 pandemic has made a profound impact on people and industry worldwide. In the case of banks, in addition to managing their own businesses, banks have had to assume a social responsibility to help customers and communities get through the crisis. Be it transmitting massive government relief packages, deferring......
Why SHOULD Customers Share Their Data with You?
Guest Posts Security

Why SHOULD Customers Share Their Data with You?

Toby Evans
The death of the third-party cookie. The” cookiepocalypse.” The cookie has crumbled. It’s the hottest of the hot topics right now: the big move by Google to do away with third-party cookie tracking – not to mention Apple’s privacy changes with iOS 14 – has pulled the rug from under......