Tag : Mastercard Foundation

Daily Fintech Series Roundup: Top Fintech News, Analytics and Insights 1st March 2023
Fintech News

Daily Fintech Series Roundup: Top Fintech News, Analytics and Insights

FTS Daily Roundup starts today! We are covering the top updates from around the world. The updates will feature state-of-the-art capabilities in Fintech insights, Trending fintech news, Crypto, Fintech SaaS, Fintech Cloud, Analytics and AI ML. We will cover the role of FTS Daily Roundup and its application in various industries and......
Mastercard Foundation Proposes Diversified Investment Strategy for Philanthropic Goals
Investment Services News

Mastercard Foundation Proposes Diversified Investment Strategy for Philanthropic Goals

Business Wire
Mastercard Foundation Proposes Diversified Investment Strategy to Deliver on Long-Term Philanthropic Goals The Mastercard Foundation, in consultation with Mastercard Incorporated, filed an application with the Ontario Public Guardian and Trustee for a court order to modify its Deed of Gift. Once the order is granted, the changes are expected to......
Mastercard Foundation to Deploy $1.3 Billion in Partnership with Africa CDC to Save Lives and Livelihoods
Economy Finance News

Mastercard Foundation to Deploy $1.3 Billion in Partnership with Africa CDC to Save Lives and Livelihoods

Fintech News Desk
The Mastercard Foundation has announced that it will deploy $1.3 billion over the next three years in partnership with the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) to save the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in Africa and hasten the economic recovery of the continent. The Saving Lives and......