Tag : WiMi Hologram Cloud

WiMi Developed a New Cryptocurrency Payment System Model Based on Polygon Blockchain
Cryptocurrency Digital Payments News

WiMi Developed a New Cryptocurrency Payment System Model Based on Polygon Blockchain

PR Newswire
WiMi Hologram Cloud, a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality (“AR”) Technology provider, announced that it developed a new cryptocurrency payment system model based on the Polygon blockchain after realizing the huge potential of blockchain technology. The Polygon distributed ledger network has the advantage of being fast, improving the performance of......
WiMi Developed a Blockchain-Based Data Security Model for Large Private Network Transactions
Blockchain News

WiMi Developed a Blockchain-Based Data Security Model for Large Private Network Transactions

PR Newswire
The model is based on Bitcoin and Ether, utilising mechanisms such as Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) to validate transactions and generate new blocks. WiMi Hologram Cloud, a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality (“AR”) Technology provider. As IoT applications continue to expand, traditional security models may not......
WiMi Announced MHConsensus Blockchain Algorithm Achieving Efficient Data Management
Blockchain News

WiMi Announced MHConsensus Blockchain Algorithm Achieving Efficient Data Management

PR Newswire
WiMi Hologram Cloud, a leading global Hologram Augmented Reality (“AR”) Technology provider, announced an improved HBFT blockchain consensus algorithm for blockchains with multiple independent functions, namely “MHConsensus algorithm”. The algorithm aims to achieve more efficient data management and election strategies, and to provide a reliable distributed consistency algorithm to cope......