Category : Guest Posts

Business Fintech Guest Posts

Three Ways Buy Now Pay Later Reduces Cart Abandonment

Brad Paterson
Cart abandonment is a major source of revenue loss for eCommerce businesses, causing a $4.6 trillion annual loss globally. And according to Statista, 88% of all items shoppers add to their virtual carts remain unpurchased. Several factors contribute to cart abandonment, especially lack of transparency including hidden shipping costs, limited......
Artificial Intelligence Fintech Guest Posts

How Customer Service Can Balance Efficiency and Security In Financial Services?

Brad Birnbaum
Efficiency may not be the number one priority for customer service in financial services when business is booming and resources are available, but the power of an efficient AND effective customer service organization can make a massive impact during both challenging and successful times. Now more than ever, customers want......
Banking Business Fintech Guest Posts

As the Pandemic Accelerates Adoption of Contactless Payments, The Landscape for Payments Stakeholders Shifts

Bill Shipley
Recent research confirmed what most already knew, nobody in the financial services industry was genuinely ready for the magnitude of the impact caused by the pandemic. Yet, we also saw the U.S. financial services industry responded exceptionally well to the physical infrastructure strain of shifting to remote work, as well......
Banking Fintech Fintech Funding Guest Posts

How Are Neobanks Changing The Face Of Banking Today?

David Smith
The inequality gap in America continues to grow at a staggering rate. The CEO-to-worker compensation ratio was 21-to-1 in 1965. In 2019 the ratio was 320-to-1. If you made $10 an hour in 1965, the CEO of your company would have made $210 an hour. In contrast to today, if you......
Banking Big Data Fintech Guest Posts

Two Keys for Evolving from Transactional to Interactional Banking

The leading challenges of 2020 – COVID-19 and its socioeconomic fallout – are applying unprecedented new pressures on the banking industry. Every institution is trying to make processes more efficient while dealing with newly remote workforces and serving anxious customers from a distance. Let’s be honest: these are stressful times......
Fintech Guest Posts

Eliminate Risk Before It Enters the Sales Funnel

Tracy Manning
In the wake of the current COVID-19 crisis, risk, marketing, e-commerce, customer experience and care professionals face increased pressure to mitigate a host of emerging and escalating risks, while also quickly and radically transforming the digital customer experience and improving ROI. The emerging dominance of digital sales and interactions –......
Artificial Intelligence Fintech Guest Posts

The Evolving Legal Tech Space

Gina Taranto
U.S. companies will spend an estimated $24 billion on litigation in 2020, in large part due to exponential growth in potentially responsive data (evidence).To meet the challenge, corporate legal departments are increasingly relying on data analytics, including artificial intelligence, machine learning and other emerging technologies, to help them reduce costs,......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts Mobile Banking

Mindset Matters – Redefining Digital Banking Transformation in the New World

Liz High
A new study by Metia involving 500 financial marketers from a cross-section of US and European banks and credit unions reveals that the old ‘ build it and they will come’ mentality of IT-led digital banking transformation will not cut it in the new banking world. COVID-19 has created a......
Banking Blockchain Cryptocurrency Fintech Guest Posts

The Evolution of Blockchain in Today’s Finance World

Douglas Horn
The Future of Finance Cannot Deny DeFi Over the last few years of blockchain innovation, the technology has been promised as a sort of nostrum for whatever area of society might be riddled with opacity and inefficiency: business supply chains, elections and voting, identity verification and security, and healthcare, among......
Economy Fintech Guest Posts

How Should Fintechs Choose Partner Strategies To Scale Their Business Amidst This Uncertain COVID-19 Environment?

Naina Sethi
The emergence of FinTech has altered the financial landscape across the world – there has been a massive transition from physical infrastructure to digital platforms. The initial growth phase saw many Financial Institutions (FIs) like Banks, Insurance, and Asset Management Companies vying to acquire or partner with the FinTechs primarily......