Search Results for: Alternative Trading System

Citi Develops Blockchain FX Solution under the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Project Guardian
Banking Fintech News

Citi Develops Blockchain FX Solution under the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Project Guardian

Business Wire
Citi has developed an innovative application that uses blockchain infrastructure to price and execute bilateral spot foreign-exchange (FX) trades. The application is a part of Project Guardian(i), a collaborative initiative by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the financial industry. While the current phase of the application tested spot......
Cryptocurrency Featured Recommended

Top 10 Crypto Channels On You Tube

Pooja Choudhary
Stop stalling and make the right choice! In this super exciting blog, we have compiled a list of the best fintech channels, to make your choices easier. But the number of subscribers to these you tube channels isn’t the primary standard by which we’ve operated! We have also considered the......
Compliance management Featured Fintech Fintech Primers

Simplification Of Fintech Regulations: A Succinct Analysis From Experts

Pooja Choudhary
Introduction As the financial technology industry grows in importance to the economies and national security of all countries, the regulatory landscapes of those countries may change as well. Industry experience and subject expertise are essential parameters to comprehend today’s changing geopolitical and ESG landscapes. The country-specific regulatory contexts on long-term......
Banking News

GFT and Thought Machine to Accelerate Digitization Initiatives That Will Power US Banks’ Future Growth

The Companies Behind Standard Chartered’s Digital Bank Mox are Scaling Cloud-Based Core Banking Offerings Stateside Traditional banks are at a critical point in their digital trajectories, having amassed significant consumer trust beyond that of digital-first challengers. Now, global digital transformation company GFT and cloud-native banking technology company Thought Machine are equipping incumbent banks to thrive in the......
New Digital Assets and an Updated UI/UX Now Available in the Telcoin App
DeFi Digital Asset Management News

New Digital Assets and an Updated UI/UX Now Available in the Telcoin App

PR Newswire
Featuring 110 tradable DeFi tokens and a fresh new look in version 3.7, the Telcoin App offers a viable alternative to centralized crypto exchanges Telcoin, a decentralized financial technology platform putting blockchain-powered mobile financial services at consumers’ fingertips worldwide, has vastly expanded digital asset availability to users, adding the ability to store,......
B2B Featured Fintech Fintech Primers Fintech Radar

Top 10 Fintech CEO Watchlist

Pooja Choudhary
The financial technology industry is booming, and undoubtedly it’s led by brilliant people. You can keep up with the newest developments in the fintech industry by analyzing what Fintech leaders are actually doing in their workspace, influencing adoption of new tools and strategies. You will also realize the power of......
Yodaplus DocuTrade: Transforming Trade Finance with MLETR-Compliant Documentation
Finance News Trading

Yodaplus DocuTrade: Transforming Trade Finance with MLETR-Compliant Documentation

PR Newswire
Yodaplus, a Mumbai-based IT Services Firm is Powering Digital Trade Finance with their MLETR Compliant Documentation Solution – DocuTrade Yodaplus, a leading IT services firm based in Mumbai, proudly unveils its latest venture, Yodaplus DocuTrade, a revolutionary MLETR (Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records) compliant documentation solution. Developed in collaboration with the XDC......
GlobiancePay - Pioneering the Future of Global Crypto Banking and Financial Asset Exchange
Banking News

GlobiancePay – Pioneering the Future of Global Crypto Banking and Financial Asset Exchange

In the ever-evolving sphere of global finance, traditional banking institutions often act as gatekeepers, placing formidable barriers in the path of many aspiring to harness vital wealth-building opportunities. Due to entangled bureaucracies, exorbitant fees, and selective access – many regions of the world remain underserviced and unaware of their financial......