Search Results for: global-fintech-series

Banking Capital Markets Fintech Guest Posts

Consider Effortless Customer Experiences to Boost the Bottom Line

Point B
Banks are facing unprecedented disruption from all directions. Leverage this disruption to gain a competitive advantage through innovative customer interactions.  Social distancing and the effects of COVID-19 have required multiple organizations to rethink and, in some cases, accelerate their customer experience initiatives. Financial services firms are no different. Moving forward,......
Artificial Intelligence Banking Capital Markets Currency Exchange Featured Fintech

Global Stock Trading Apps that Are Changing the Face of Wealth and Asset Management

Fintech News Desk
Stock markets are the world of green and red, of bull and bear and of high and lows. It is a segment through which people indulge in buying or selling of securities with a motive to earn profit either by trading on a short term basis like on an intraday......
Fintech Fintech Startups Guest Posts

Emergency Preparedness: Understanding Your Company’s Cash Position

Christopher Risher
If you’re new to the term “cash position,” here’s an overview: cash position refers to an organization’s funds after accounting for liabilities and expenses. Essentially, it’s money that can be invested toward additional business opportunities or used to subsidize unexpected losses. And during a crisis—like the one going on today—knowing......