Tag : Featured

Featured Finance Fintech Risk Management Security

Top Insider Threats Facing FinTech Companies and How to Mitigate Them

The FinTech industry, blending finance with technology, has revolutionized how financial services are delivered. However, with innovation comes new risks, and insider threats have emerged as a significant concern. Insider threats, originating from current or former employees, contractors, or business partners, can cause severe damage. These threats are particularly challenging......
Artificial Intelligence Featured Finance Fintech Investments Machine Learning Robotic Process Automation

Top FinTech Startups Revolutionizing Retirement Planning

Fintech Staff Writer
Retirement planning has long been a complex and daunting task for many individuals. Traditional methods often involve navigating a maze of investment options, understanding tax implications, and predicting long-term financial needs. However, with the advent of financial technology (FinTech), the landscape of retirement planning is undergoing a revolutionary transformation. Several......
Banking Featured Finance Fintech

The Role of Deposit Switching in Modern Banking

Prajakta Ayade
Traditionally, switching direct deposits has been a cumbersome, paper-based process that could take days or even weeks to complete. Customers often had to fill out multiple forms and coordinate with both their employers and financial institutions to update their banking information. This friction-filled process deterred many from making the switch,......
Artificial Intelligence Banking Blockchain Featured Finance Fintech Robotic Process Automation Security

Top Financial Technologies That Are Driving Easy Deposit Switching

Prajakta Ayade
New age financial technologies are revolutionizing the global banking industry, offering consumers unprecedented convenience and flexibility. One area where this transformation is particularly evident is in deposit switching—the process of transferring direct deposits and automatic payments from one bank account to another. Traditionally a time-consuming task, deposit switching is becoming......
Blockchain Compliance management Featured Finance Fintech

Revolutionizing Regulatory Compliance in Fintech with Sandbox as a Service

Prajakta Ayade
In FinTech, regulatory compliance remains a critical yet challenging matter. Traditional financial institutions and new fintech startups alike are expected to navigate complex regulations to avoid penalties and ensure consumer trust. Amidst this regulatory environment, “Sandbox as a Service” (SaaS) has emerged as a transformative model, revolutionizing how fintech companies......
Cloud Featured Finance Fintech Robotic Process Automation

The Role of Automation in FinOps: from Ternary’s Latest Tools

Prajakta Ayade
The integration of automation into Financial Operations (FinOps) has revolutionized the way organizations manage their cloud expenditures. By leveraging advanced tools and technologies, companies can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings. Ternary’s latest FinOps tools exemplify the transformative impact of automation in this field, enhancing cloud cost efficiency through......
Artificial Intelligence Featured Finance Fintech Risk Management Trading

The Influence of AI on International Trade Efficiency

Prajakta Ayade
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various sectors, and international trade is no exception. Global trade’s complex and multifaceted nature presents numerous challenges, such as logistical inefficiencies, regulatory compliance, and risk management. AI’s ability to process vast amounts of data, recognize patterns and make predictions provides innovative solutions to these challenges,......
Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Digital Payments Digital Wallet Featured Finance Fintech Security

Impact of GDPR and CCPA on RegTech

Prajakta Ayade
Data privacy regulations have significantly impacted the way businesses operate globally. Two prominent regulations, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) implemented in the European Union (EU) in 2018 and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) enacted in California, USA in 2018, have fundamentally changed how organizations handle personal data. These......
Artificial Intelligence Banking Digital Payments Featured Finance Fintech

Leading Banks That Sport the Best Digital Banking Apps

Prajakta Ayade
Digital banking has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. Gone are the days of long queues and limited branch hours. The rise of digital banking apps has ushered in a new era of convenience, accessibility, and control for account holders. These sophisticated mobile applications empower users to manage their......
Banking Blockchain Digital Payments Featured Finance Fintech Investments Security Technology

The Impact of Blockchain on Modern InsurTech

Prajakta Ayade
The insurance industry, while financially robust, is often criticized for its slow and paper-centric processes, lack of transparency, and vulnerability to fraud. InsurTech, the marriage of insurance and technology, has emerged to address these concerns by leveraging digital solutions. However, a new wave of innovation is on the horizon, driven......