Tag : smart banking

Banking Featured Fintech Fintech Primers Fintech Radar

Top 10 Fintech Applications Specifically Built For Smart Banking

Pooja Choudhary
Banking is necessary, but banks are not and why do banks have branches if money doesn’t grow on trees? Smart banking indeed is the need of today’s lifestyle and work culture. In this piece, we’re going to give you a brief synopsis of the top 10 fintech applications that went......
Unlocking The Power Of KYC For Smart Banking Service Providers
Artificial Intelligence Banking Featured Fintech Primers

Unlocking The Power Of KYC For Smart Banking Service Providers

Pooja Choudhary
While your social media feed and industry publications often seem flooded by plenty of trends, it’s time-consuming to comb through each of these resources and identify trends. This blog shall enlighten KYC market, its data and new tech of eKYC and the digital solutions thereby. KYC has been harnessing technology......
Why Wooing Gen Z Helps Banks and Fintechs Win
Banking Commerce Guest Posts Insights

Why Wooing Gen Z Helps Banks and Fintechs Win

Sagar Rajgopal
CX trends in banking have changed considerably over the last few years, accelerated by the pandemic. Customer service has become an increasingly important part of this market shift, so much so that financial institutions and digital banking challengers need to think strategically about their customer service function in order to......
Small Businesses Benefit Most from Real-time Payments Technology
Commerce Guest Posts Payment gateways

Small Businesses Benefit Most from Real-time Payments Technology

Justin Adler
Real-time payments are all the rage in 2023—and for good reason. From The Clearing House to The Federal Reserve, leading payment providers are jumping at the opportunity to deliver faster transfer methods to eager users. But, while consumer benefits are clear and large financial institutions are catering to up-market customers,......