Category : Fintech Radar

B2B Business Fintech Fintech Funding Fintech Radar Fintech Startups Interviews Machine Learning Technology

Global Fintech Interview with Matt Bird, CEO at Lemon

Paroma Sen
Matt Bird, CEO at Lemon comments on the biggest fintech resets shaping the marketplace in 2024 in this catch up: ______________ Hi Matt, tell us more about Lemon and what inspired the idea. Lemon is a subscription tracking and financing company for SMBs. We aim to help SMBs reduce the......
B2B Banking Digital Featured Finance Fintech Radar Markets

Top 45 B2B Fintech Newsletters You Can Subscribe

Pooja Choudhary
Are you a fintech nerd? Are you frequently looking out for some fintech news? Do you wish to sharpen the sword of your financial knowledge? Are you confused about the newsletter subscriptions by not bombarding your inbox with useless content? Well, you have landed at the right blog by one......
B2B Featured Fintech Fintech Primers Fintech Radar

Top 10 Fintech CEO Watchlist

Pooja Choudhary
The financial technology industry is booming, and undoubtedly it’s led by brilliant people. You can keep up with the newest developments in the fintech industry by analyzing what Fintech leaders are actually doing in their workspace, influencing adoption of new tools and strategies. You will also realize the power of......
Compliance management Featured Fintech Fintech Primers Fintech Radar

How To Leverage Fintech To Combat Money Laundering

Pooja Choudhary
Fintech has experimented with its magic wand in various fields, so how can we corner the money laundering aspect? In this blog we shall be covering how fintech is leveraged to combat money laundering or in other words we can say how fintech is used to fight for AML in......
Banking Featured Fintech Fintech Primers Fintech Radar

Top 10 Fintech Applications Specifically Built For Smart Banking

Pooja Choudhary
Banking is necessary, but banks are not and why do banks have branches if money doesn’t grow on trees? Smart banking indeed is the need of today’s lifestyle and work culture. In this piece, we’re going to give you a brief synopsis of the top 10 fintech applications that went......
Featured Fintech Fintech Primers Fintech Radar Fintech Startups

Tech Print On Fintech Core Offerings- APAC Region

Pooja Choudhary
With the breakneck pace of AI, it looks so easy from the outside, but once you try to understand the depth of fintech, it’s like getting lost in a dark cave. As a challenge, this blog shall find you a way out and remove all your possible doubts. It’s not......
Economy Featured Fintech Fintech Radar Recommended

Analytical Study On The Indian Fintech Domain, Post-COVID

Pooja Choudhary
Despite the recent economic setbacks and major structural transformations around the world, ‘FinTech‘ continues to stand out as the only economic domain experiencing multidimensional growth over the past six years. At a global level, we are able to make a distinction between the pre-COVID and post-COVID fintech scenarios. This blog......
Decentralized Authentication: A Path Forward to Crypto 2.0
Cryptocurrency Fintech Primers Fintech Radar Guest Posts

Decentralized Authentication: A Path Forward to Crypto 2.0

Alessandro Chiarini
There seems to be several factors to blame for the recent crypto fallout – everything from contagion fears stemming from FTX’s fast and precipitous fall; to the need for more stringent regulations, especially around stablecoins; and more. But another big part of the decline of crypto 1.0 certainly has to......
FinTech RADAR: 105 U.S. Fintech Unicorns And Their Core Offerings
Featured Fintech Fintech Primers Fintech Radar Fintech Startups

FinTech RADAR: 105 U.S. Fintech Unicorns And Their Core Offerings

Pooja Choudhary
With 105 Fintech unicorns, the United States of America has established itself as a leader on the global platform in this sector. In order to give my readers a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental offerings of the top 15 U.S. fintech companies amongst 105 unicorns listed below in this blog.......
Careers In Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Featured Fintech Primers Fintech Radar

Careers In Artificial Intelligence

Pooja Choudhary
Over the last few years, artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up innumerable possibilities for the future. From space exploration to melanoma detection, it is making waves across industries, making impossible things possible. In this context, we shall explore AI careers to pursue and their current Job outlook. Is Artificial Intelligence......