Category : Guest Posts

Artificial Intelligence Fintech Fintech Radar Guest Posts

Post Pandemic Finance – Advanced Analytics Finally Take Flight

Scott Stern
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a series of ongoing challenges for CFOs that is reshaping their finance teams. Finance teams are now assessing revenue, costs and cash flow on a weekly, daily and even near-real time basis now to help guide current and future business decisions. From the longer ‘past......
Banking Big Data Fintech Fintech Startups Guest Posts Mobile Banking

Top Four Banking Trends for Improving the Customer Experience in 2020

Caroline Platkiewicz
The last few years have brought tremendous innovation, disruption and change to the financial services sector. From the advent of fintech start-ups, to increasingly higher consumer expectations, to greater adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence. Add to that the unprecedented situation the recent coronavirus crisis has unveiled, banks and......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts

Small Business Owners Must Get Payroll Compliance Right to Ensure COVID-19 Loan Forgiveness

Lisa Carmen
Small business leaders have had to adapt quickly to the evolving business crisis caused by the COVID–19 pandemic. First, they had to protect employee safety by rapidly shifting to work from home and shuttering non-essential facilities. With that accomplished, business owners pivoted to conserving capital, cutting expenses, and leveraging government......
Fintech Guest Posts

Global Investor Conference Emphasizes Why the Future of Investment is Female

Karim Nurani
Karim Nurani contributes his summary on the recently concluded Global Investor Conference in this exclusive guest article for Global FinTech Series: ______ On Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020, the Global Investor Conference (GIC) returned with an assortment of excellent speakers to discuss investing during the age of the COVID-19 pandemic. Previously,......
Fintech Guest Posts

Fighting Against the Faux-Cloud: Why Firms Need Multitenant Systems for a Truly Modern Technology Strategy

Sean Sullivan
For the buy and sell sides alike, COVID-19 has only accelerated the need for a more modern technology strategy. The pandemic has wreaked havoc in both the markets and the wider world, putting a spotlight on the need for more nimble, scalable solutions that allow their businesses to pivot quickly......
Fintech Guest Posts InsurTech Risk Management

What You Need To Know About SOC 2

Jordan MacAvoy
Nowadays, businesses are storing vast amounts of customer data, making security a primary concern. One of the compliance standards that have been established to ensure the safety of data is SOC 2. Here is a brief overview of SOC 2 with a few tips on how to become compliant. What......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts

How the Crisis-Fuelled Digitization of Banks Will Spark Long-Term Customer Loyalty

Meenaz Sunderji
In the wake of COVID-19, most industries are adjusting their processes, operations and offerings to help support the needs of their customers. The steps organizations take now could lay the foundation for the next several years. For example, all eyes are on the banking industry. As the world navigates the......
Banking Big Data Capital Markets Fintech Guest Posts

Leveraging Automated Accounts Payable Solutions for Business Continuity

Ernest Rolfson
Businesses across the globe are grappling with business continuity in the face of the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the major challenges for companies is maintaining the continuity of core back-office functions such as accounts payable. As work from home mandates necessitate remote working, many companies are......
Banking Capital Markets Fintech Fintech Funding Guest Posts Trading

The Impact of COVID-19 on Broker Dealers (And Where It Hurts)

Michael Higgins
It has been a long and grueling 3 months since the first COVID-19 case reared its head in the United States. When the first deaths were reported, no one could have predicted the global impact it would have. Quarantine efforts in China were minimized but once the disease began to......
Banking Capital Markets Fintech Guest Posts

Consider Effortless Customer Experiences to Boost the Bottom Line

Point B
Banks are facing unprecedented disruption from all directions. Leverage this disruption to gain a competitive advantage through innovative customer interactions.  Social distancing and the effects of COVID-19 have required multiple organizations to rethink and, in some cases, accelerate their customer experience initiatives. Financial services firms are no different. Moving forward,......