Category : Guest Posts

Banking Fintech Guest Posts

Behavioral AI is a Solution to Post-COVID Economical Changes, Especially Debt

Rana Gujral
Behavioral Signals, an emotion AI company specializing in behavioral signal processing, hosted a webinar titled​ “2 Ways Behavioral AI Can Help You Improve Your Debt Repayment Efforts” ​ on Thursday, May 7th, 2020​. ​ Aris Karanikas, head of business development, and Dr. Nassos Katsamanis, vice president of engineering, co-hosted the......
Fintech Fintech Startups Guest Posts

A Quick Solution To Recession-Proof Your Business!

Mihir Korke
For any business that survives its first year, preparing for a recession is vital. While downturns are part of a healthy economy, you don’t want to be caught unawares. During a recession, consumers usually scale back on the products and services they buy. This is true whether your company appeals......
Cryptocurrency Fintech Guest Posts

Coronavirus Highlights the Virtues of Crypto Alternatives

David Waslen
What we’re experiencing globally with Coronavirus and economic chaos has accentuated our need for better financial tools and payment solutions. The cryptocurrency industry, now over ten years strong, has been building an infrastructure that could alleviate economic disparities and dysfunction. If we take a close look at some of the......
Fintech Guest Posts

After the Cloud: Why Corporate Treasurers’ Next Transformation is to a Digital Backbone

Pete Srejovic
The ever-increasing complexities and constant state of change all too familiar to corporate treasurers call for not just new tools and technologies, but far greater connectivity between them all. To achieve more efficient harmony across their full technology stack, corporate treasury departments should future-proof around a digital backbone – one......
Fintech Guest Posts Risk Management

Save Money, Save Time: Automating Compliance Processes

Henry Umney
In 2020, as more and more organisations recognize the risks posed by a lack of spreadsheet management, they will turn to automated controls to mitigate those risks.  Two of the primary benefits they’ll realise?  They will gain visibility into, and control over, these spreadsheets, and also gain cost savings; we......
Fintech Guest Posts

How FinTech Innovations Will Redefine the Logistics Industry

Brian Belcher
We’re going to take some time today to discuss FinTech and its impact on the industry of transportation and logistics. FinTech, if you’re unfamiliar with the term, means financial technology. FinTech itself is a rapidly growing and evolving industry. Many fields and businesses are taking advantage of FinTech. Logistics is......
Fintech Guest Posts

8 Ways in Which Optimized Point of Delivery Payment Apps Will Change the Face of Logistics

Darren Chan
Money, money, money, must be funny in the rich man’s world—that’s how the song by ABBA goes. If you own a transportation company, you’re already familiar with the proof of delivery (POD). It’s a document that proves the customer received the goods you sent. And it can be either a......
Fintech Guest Posts

How the Payment Industry Can Best Support Their Customers (And the Market)

Brad Paterson
No one can predict the ultimate impact COVID-19 will have on global business. Months of entire industries shutting down will have lasting effects on the economy, impacting businesses and consumers alike. During these uncertain times, businesses in a position to help have a responsibility to do what they can to......
Fintech Guest Posts Risk Management

Is Your 3rd Party Risk Management Robust Enough? Here’s how to Tell.

Henry Umney
Exactly what is the role vendor and third-party risk management plays in operational risk management for Fintech companies? This has become an ever-more important question in recent years as corporate internal practices have come under greater scrutiny, as scenarios within conduct and reputation risk have left some companies exposed to......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts

Realising The Benefits of Low-Cost Remittances in Emerging Countries

Lorenzo Pellegrino
Adults in developing countries remaining unbanked is a serious issue for local economies. One reason the unbanked population remains so high stems from people’s belief that they have inadequate funds to merit opening an account. By not having enough disposable income to make any substantial transactions or purchases, keeping money in any......