Tag : Bitcoin

Cryptocurrency Markets News

KYN Capital Group Gives Corporate Update for Koinfold Pay 2.0 Enhanced Features supporting Bitcoin And 75+ Crypto Tokens

Fintech News Desk
KYN Capital Group is pleased to announce that Koinfold 2.0, the number one feature laden wallet app, has taken the next step and added many new features and a new fresh design to make Koinfold 2.0 even easier to use and more functional. The updated release has been uploaded to......
Bison Bank’s Crypto Subsidiary Partners With Sygnum to Enter Crypto Market
Banking Cryptocurrency News

Bison Bank’s Crypto Subsidiary Partners With Sygnum to Enter Crypto Market

Fintech News Desk
Bison Digital Assets, Bison Bank’s crypto subsidiary licensed by Banco de Portugal, has partnered with Sygnum Bank to enter the global crypto market with regulated digital asset custody and trading services. Strategic partnership consolidates Bison Bank’s plan of bridging traditional finance and digital assets by enabling Bison Digital Assets’ end-clients......
Blockchain DeFi Fintech News

Multichain Launched A Boost Bribe For $ MultiBTC LPs, Offering Further Rewards

Fintech News Desk
Several Defi activities built on multiBTC offer competitive APY at leading yield platforms on Ethereum. Multichain also launched a boost bribe for LPs, offering further rewards in $MULTI. The bribe was live for two weeks till 5th January 2023, which increased the liquidity of the pools over $2 million. Second session has been launched on stakeDAO. Do not......
Swan, Leading Bitcoin Financial Services Firm, Announces Four New Hires in January 2023
Finance News

Swan, Leading Bitcoin Financial Services Firm, Announces Four New Hires in January 2023

Fintech News Desk
Sheetal Ray joins as COO, Raphael Zagury as CIO and Head of Research, Guarav Gollerkeri as GM of Swan Personal, and Guilherme Gomes as CRO Swan, leading Bitcoin financial services firm, announces four new senior hires this month, to help lead the company’s continued growth through the current economic downturn.......
Defy Mortgage Created to Disrupt Traditional Mortgage Lending Norms
Lending Mortgage News

Defy Mortgage Created to Disrupt Traditional Mortgage Lending Norms

Fintech News Desk
Homeownership remains the most important contribution to generational wealth available to consumers today Defy Mortgage, a national mortgage lender offering unique lending solutions for responsible borrowers with nontraditional income streams and asset types, kicks-off 2023 with its national launch. Company leadership acknowledges that its challenge to conventional mortgage lending standards is......
Cryptocurrency Finance News

Unicoin Anticipates Major Crypto Upswing And Offers Investors An Industry-First 10-Year Option

Fintech News Desk
Bitcoin is down over 75% from its 2021 high, but every such crypto crisis has been followed by major rallies, some exceeding 2,000%. Unless a catastrophic event breaks the pattern, a new upswing is expected to start in 2023. Unicoin, a new-generation, assets-backed cryptocurrency, has unveiled a unique opportunity for investors: a no-cost 10-year......
B2B Cloud News Security

PolicyDock and Merkle Science Partner to Provide Improved Data Protection, Support For Users Affected By FTX Meltdown

Fintech News Desk
Merkle Science, a predictive web3 risk and intelligence platform, is announcing a partnership with global insurance technology leader PolicyDock, to prevent fraud and protect crypto assets by providing the insurance industry with innovative fraud-prevention tools. The announcement coincides with PolicyDock’s launch of CryptoLock, a subscription offering that helps clients recover crypto assets with a variety of......
Cryptocurrency Markets News

Connect Financial Announces Crypto-Backed Credit Cards

Fintech News Desk
Connect Financial – a cryptocurrency financial Fintech platform, announces their crypto-backed credit cards are coming to the market. With more than 320 million people using cryptocurrency globally and an expected global adoption growth rate of 10% by 2030 for Bitcoin (BTC) alone, there is no denying that cryptocurrency is quickly moving towards mainstream acceptance. Cutting-edge......