Category : Guest Posts

Fintech Guest Posts Risk Management

Is Your 3rd Party Risk Management Robust Enough? Here’s how to Tell.

Henry Umney
Exactly what is the role vendor and third-party risk management plays in operational risk management for Fintech companies? This has become an ever-more important question in recent years as corporate internal practices have come under greater scrutiny, as scenarios within conduct and reputation risk have left some companies exposed to......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts

Realising The Benefits of Low-Cost Remittances in Emerging Countries

Lorenzo Pellegrino
Adults in developing countries remaining unbanked is a serious issue for local economies. One reason the unbanked population remains so high stems from people’s belief that they have inadequate funds to merit opening an account. By not having enough disposable income to make any substantial transactions or purchases, keeping money in any......
Fintech Guest Posts

How the CARES Act Can Help Your Business

Sam Brownell
With the passage of the CARES Act, there are multiple avenues for business owners to seek relief from the economic effects of the coronavirus.  Below, Stratus outlines a few areas that we think will be particularly useful for business owners over the next few months. 1. Paycheck Protection Loan Program......
Guest Posts InsurTech

Hacking Insurance to be 10x Faster

Terri Hitchcock
The insurance industry is stuck in the 1980s. I should know, because I’ve been making my career in it since then. Despite the rise of the internet and smartphones, insurance has earned a reputation for its snail’s pace of innovation. And this is doubly true for business insurance– which, despite......
Guest Posts News

Coronavirus and Finance Tips: Five Steps Business Owners Can Take Right Now

Sam Brownell
While there are many different local, state and federal programs in place or being set up for financial relief due to the effects of the coronavirus, Stratus would like to encourage business owners not to wait for the government to begin building your relief plan.  By doing some independent prep......
Fintech Guest Posts

The Ripple Effect: How a US Recession Could Sneak Up on Global FinTech Companies

Greg Ott
Coronavirus. The US election. International trade. And did we mention Coronavirus?  Such a potent cocktail makes the reality of a recession all too possible. Companies in every industry should consider how one would impact them. I know I’m thinking about how a recession could impact FinTech, especially those that cater......
Fintech Guest Posts

Three Trends Defining Finance for 2020

Scott Stern
Not quite a full quarter into the new year and we’re already seeing a tumultuous 2020 that is causing businesses around the world to rethink strategy and direction. Amid current volatile changes, we are seeing a number of trends emerge that can significantly impact both your finance team and organization......
Banking Fintech Fintech Startups Guest Posts

SMB FinTech Has Come a Long Way…But We’re Not There Yet

Greg Ott
It wasn’t that long ago that banks were the only game in town, and if you wanted to borrow money, that was your primary option. The recession of 2008 caused banks to strain under the weight of tough lessons learned and heavy regulations. That created the perfect opportunity for financial......
Banking Fintech Fintech Radar Guest Posts Mobile Banking

Today’s Most Innovative Fintech Solution: A Refresh of an Industry Mainstay

Matt Withey
Debit presents an opportunity to drive customer engagement and loyalty. Imagine a future where the average consumer has three or more debit accounts and the experience of banking is both personalized and seamlessly integrated into our lives. One account is similar to a traditional bank account. The second they keep......
Artificial Intelligence Fintech Radar Guest Posts Insights

Top 5 Digital Banking Trends For 2020

Philipp Postrehovsky
With the dawn of a new decade comes innovations, connectivity, speed, ease, and security in banking like never before. It is an exciting time to be in digital banking to say the least. Payments can be made in an instant by merely saying the words aloud, tapping our phones or......