Category : Guest Posts

Banking Guest Posts

Are Banks Going to Win on Open Banking?

Raymond Wyand
Open banking – commercial banking models predicated on the sharing of customer information electronically, with third parties, under conditions that customers approve of – is poised to become the norm in many East Asian markets.  Data-driven banking solutions provider gini enterprise has conducted original Open APIs research to identify the......
Banking Fintech Radar Guest Posts

Trapped in the past? Moving Banking beyond the Prison Paradigm

Jouk Pleiter
Some banks are so established that, as customers, we think of them as part of the fabric of our lives; as immovable institutions. Maybe that was once the case. But the rise of a new, modern business environment is undermining that position. Apple pay and Facebook’s Libra are good examples......
Artificial Intelligence Guest Posts

Three Ways AI Enables Personalized and Engaging Customer Experiences in Financial Services

Dr. Marlene Wolfgruber
A lot of data would be useless without context. Many words in the human language have multiple meanings, making it hard to understand individual phrases without being aware of its context (where it was said, from whom, what prompted its delivery). Think about the term “bank” within the context of......
Banking Guest Posts Insights

Why Banks will Benefit from Open API

Raymond Wyand
The idea of sharing customer data has made banks justifiably worried, but they can leverage open API mandates to their advantage. Financial institutions are accustomed to holding on to historical customer data. They view this as a competitive advantage, as well as a security requirement. Today, however, regulatory and market......