Category : Guest Posts

Fintech Fintech Startups Guest Posts

Positive Online Reviews Can Help Your Fintech Start-Up Earn Capital. Here’s How.

Hanno Damm
Over the past few years, fintech start-up investments across the world have increased rapidly by the hundred billions with the US, China and the UK leading the way. These record-setting investments indicate the high level of interest by venture capital firms to try new services and fund them, but it......
Fintech Guest Posts Risk Management

Between Empathy and Technology: The New Sweet Spot for Lifetime Customer Value

Hanif Joshaghani
Companies are in a double bind today. The coronavirus pandemic has put many customers at financial risk, and through no fault of their own, many suddenly un- or under-employed people simply cannot meet their financial obligations. Consumers may become delinquent on payments, and companies will accumulate unpaid debt, negatively impacting......
Cryptocurrency Currency Exchange Fintech Guest Posts

Advantages of Buying Litecoin

Kelly Skangale
Cryptocurrencies are booming once again in 2020 after almost 3 years of quiet accumulation. And while new investors are coming into the scene looking for the best coins to invest in, others have already set their eyes on the most promising cryptos. One of those coins is Litecoin. Created by......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts

5 Things You Need to Know about the LIBOR Transition

Bruce Orcutt
LIBOR has often been regarded as the world’s most important number. It’s one of the most widely utilized interest rates in the world used for tens of millions of financial contracts worth more than USD 300 trillion globally. Its cessation December 31, 2021 will alter financial markets around the globe......
Fintech Guest Posts

When FinTech Goes Free-Range

Jeet Singh
Fintech started as tech for financial firms, but the needs of consumers for other money-related activities had already started to broaden its range. Will COVID-19 and a recession mean a retrenchment or an expansion for broader consumer fintech? The history of fintech is long, centuries even, depending on what you......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts Mobile Banking

Pitfalls To Go Through While Choosing A New Payment Processor

Maksims Dambrauskas
What are the pitfalls to avoid while choosing a new payment processor? As an online merchant, being able to have funds flow freely from your merchant account to your pocket is something that makes you feel amazing! To make sure that free-flowing ability remains the case not only for today,......
Banking Fintech Guest Posts

Banks Are Experiencing a Kodak Moment: Lessons Learned from a Fallen Giant

Johanna Pugh
Giants have fallen when they reacted too slowly to changing consumer needs. Kodak, despite developing the first digital camera, did not believe digital photography would dominate the market, and therefore did not leverage the opportunities their discovery offered. They chose to focus on film, not innovation, and fell after a......
Banking Blockchain Fintech Guest Posts

Bank Of The Future: How Banks And Fintechs Are This Decade’s Unlikely Duo

Vincent Bezemer
Rewind the clock (to say 35 years ago from today) and cinemas were opening for the first time to the iconic time-traveling antics of Back to the Future. Looking at Doc and Marty and knowing their contrasting personalities – one an eccentric inventor and one a streetwise kid – you......
Banking Blockchain Fintech Guest Posts

Blockchain’s Impact on Global Health Management

Dr. David Hanekom
While the ongoing pandemic has placed an enormous strain on global healthcare networks, the truth is, Covid-19 has only exposed the many cracks that were already present in the foundations of the traditional healthcare sector. The crisis has also exacerbated the prevalence of mental health issues, placing additional strain on......
Banking Big Data Guest Posts

New Search Fund Model of Private Equity for Small Business Acquisitions

Ariaa Reeds
The Private Equity industry has traditionally invested majority of its capital in large companies. Recently, however, the nature of Private Equity deals is shifting toward small businesses with the emergence of a new model. Here’s the full story. The Great Divide – Different Rules of Private Equity A trend has......